Kann mir gerade keine richtige Vorstellung davon machen, was das genau ist....... Jedenfalls ist TH heute bei MTV Amerika zu sehen..... Ob sie live vor Ort sind, glaube ich aber nicht..... Vielleicht wurde das ja gestern aufgenommen !!!??? Heute sind sie nämlich um 9 pm wieder bei KIIS FM in Burbank / LA : Interview, Live-Performance und M&G !!!!
("heute" ist relativ.... 9 pm in LA bedeutet morgen früh um 6 bei uns....)
FNMTV is a show hosted by pete wentz of fall out boy every friday on MTV and what happens is every week he has like 2 or 3 artist on and he interviews them, shows their new video and/or they perform most of the time. and yeah its a pretty big deal.
If someone offered you $500 dollars to possibly kill (or at least blind) yourself and permanently damage you internal organs, would you do it?
What about if you were really bored, and that someone was Pete Wentz?
Well, I know my answer: yes. This is because, yesterday, while we were taking a break from shooting the special VMA-edition of FNMTV (airing this Friday! 8 p.m.! Special appearances by Tokio Hotel and T.I.! WOOOO!), Wentz bet me $500 to eat a gigantic, gumball-sized ball of wasabi — then wash it down with 32 fluid ounces of really nasty Kombucha , a fermented drink that tasted a whole lot like malted vinegar. And I took him up on his wager.
So I downed the wasabi (shooter style, like an oyster), and chugged the Kombucha. It felt like I has just swallowed a smoldering charcoal briquette, then doused it in gasoline. For about two hours, I was drenched in sweat, my head throbbed and I felt like I was going to puke my guts out. Then I felt like I was going to die. My stomach made unspeakable noises and produced even more unspeakable odors. Pete laughed at me a whole lot. But it was worth it. (Check out more photo evidence after the jump.)
Because at the end of the day, his wife Ashlee Simpson came on set and gave me a knot of twenties that added up to $500 … I felt vindicated, and rich. Then I went back to my hotel and destroyed the bathroom.
All-in-all, a pretty excellent way to kick off VMA week. And say what you will about Wentz, he is a complete sadist … But he definitely does not welch on a bet.
Zitat von scooterhttp://www.mediafire.com/?t4tv2msol9o
Vorhin hätte ich das Interview zweimal fast geschafft herunter zu laden,nur kurz vor dem beenden kickte mich mein W-Lan immer aus den Netz. Und jetzt gerade lässt es sich nicht mehr downloaden.Weiss jemand was da los ist? Ich muss dieses Interview nämlich unbedíngt noch haben!!!
Mit welchem fahrbaren Untersatz werden die Jungs wohl am roten Teppich vorfahren......????
No, don’t worry. Tom didn’t shave his head. The latest update from VMA HQ here inside the Crosby Building at the Paramount is that Tokio Hotel will be presenting an award at the 2008 VMAs! Viva la Deutschland, y’all!
Also, another little tidbit McNugget for you: Tokio Hotel is going to be pulling up to the VMA red carpet in a most outlandish set of wheels. No, not a Maybach. Think American… Very American… And it’s not the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile, though that could be the greatest image ever.
Watch the VMA pre-show at 8pm to see what your all-time favorite German band rolls up in.
Ich bin sehr gespannt auf Bills Outfit bei den VMAs. Irgendwas sagt mir, er wird nicht in einer Aufmachung à la Comet 2008 dort auftauchen. Mir ist aufgefallen, dass er während der ganzen USA-Trips bei öffentlichen Auftritten und Fotos nie Runterhaare hatte. Ich bin jedenfalls sehr gespannt auf die VMAs und werde das ganze per Nachtschicht live verfolgen.
Was haltet ihr davon einen extra VMA-Thread zu eröffnen?
Tim: How did you react when you first heard that you were nominated not once, but twice? Tom: You know, jumping around, went totally crazy.... Bill: I think it's the biggest thing in our whole career. I think it's really really great.
Tim: You're nominated for Best Pop Video and Best New Artist. Which one means the most to you? Which one do you want to take home? Bill: I think Best Pop Video is really hard. Uhm, you know. Interviewer: I mean, it's a lot of great competition in there. The Jonas Brothers (for example?) You've gone online, you've gone on the blog sites and the fansites, and you've realized that Tokio Hotel fans and Jonas Brother fans aren't exactly the best of friends. What's going on there? Bill: I don't know. I mean, they are huge in America and we play a lot of concerts in Europe and I mean there are enough fans for everyone, so...
Talking about predictions for Best Pop Video....
James: .....There are two real strong frontrunners here. One of them is the descriptive gentleman right here. *gestures to TH* The other one, you mentioned them, the Jonas Brothers. I think, those two are really going to battle for the coveted (moonman?) Tim: Who do you think is going to take home the Moonman? Jonas Brothers or Tokio Hotel? Ignore the fact that there are four of them surrounding your right now. James: I think, honestly, Tokio Hotel, they take it home.
(Btw, both the twins moved to press the applause buttons at the same time and laughed exactly the same here)
Talking about Best Rock Video.
Tim: Paramore, Slipknot, Linkin Park, Foo Fighters, Fall Out Boy, Tokio Hotel, Tomi, who's gonna win it? Tom: I hope Fall Out Boy. Tim: Of course you do, the big man is standing right over there. Bill: No, I think, I don't know. I think it's hard to pick. Tom: I really like the Foo Fighters and I think Gustav is a big Slipknot fan and you know... Bill: It's hard. Tom: It's hard. Tim: Ok, but you're gonna go with Fall Out Boy, you wanna name one? Bill: Fall Out Boy. (Bill pressed a button here, not sure what it was supposed to do...)
Tim: Ok, listen, you guys have been traveling all around the world, you go to all these big shows, but the VMA's are really the mother, the *bleep* mother of all shows. Tom: Hahah, mother. Tim: Who are you looking forward to seeing at the show the most? Bill: Uhm, I heard that Pink will perform at the VMA's? Tim: She is. She's going to be playing right there and right here. *pointing* Bill: Yeah, so I think Pink. Tom: And for me, as I said, Danity Kane...Do they perform though? (something mumbled like I don't think....) (James presses Laugh button. Tim: You know, fingers crossed, I hope they do. Do you two have any favorites? (asking G's) You guys don't say much, huh? Georg: I'm also looking forward to seeing Danity Kane. Tim: I bet you are, buddy. Gustav: I don't know, is Slipknot there? Tim: Yes, but, will they be performing? James: Sadly no. Tim: The answer there is you'll have to find out on Sunday.
Talking about Best Rock Video.
Tim: Paramore, Slipknot, Linkin Park, Foo Fighters, Fall Out Boy, Tokio Hotel, Tomi, who's gonna win it? Tom: I hope Fall Out Boy. Tim: Of course you do, the big man is standing right over there. Bill: No, I think, I don't know. I think it's hard to pick. Tom: I really like the Foo Fighters and I think Gustav is a big Slipknot fan and you know... Bill: It's hard. Tom: It's hard. Tim: Ok, but you're gonna go with Fall Out Boy, you wanna name one? Bill: Fall Out Boy. (Bill pressed a button here, not sure what it was supposed to do...)
Tim: Ok, listen, you guys have been traveling all around the world, you go to all these big shows, but the VMA's are really the mother, the *bleep* mother of all shows. Tom: Hahah, mother. Tim: Who are you looking forward to seeing at the show the most? Bill: Uhm, I heard that Pink will perform at the VMA's? Tim: She is. She's going to be playing right there and right here. *pointing* Bill: Yeah, so I think Pink. Tom: And for me, as I said, Danity Kane...Do they perform though? (something mumbled like I don't think....) (James presses Laugh button. Tim: You know, fingers crossed, I hope they do. Do you two have any favorites? (asking G's) You guys don't say much, huh? Georg: I'm also looking forward to seeing Danity Kane. Tim: I bet you are, buddy. Gustav: I don't know, is Slipknot there? Tim: Yes, but, will they be performing? James: Sadly no. Tim: The answer there is you'll have to find out on Sunday.
And the goodbyes.
Tim: Tokio Hotel, thank you very much for joining us. Tom: Thank you Bill: Thank you Tim: Enjoy the rest of the day. And we'll see you on the big night on Sunday. Tom: All right.
Superfan Part: Go watch.
....Ok, fine. Typing. And yes, she was right, it is the Raining Men vid on the computer there (with subs) and a picture of Bill hung up and random other pictures. I think I see some manips up there, as well, as a picture with a little puppy? And oh! Look, fingerpointing pic. Is that from the EMA's? *squints* Someone identify those pictures. I almost think I see a pic from the Leb Die Sekunde Dvd.
Purple Guy: Oh Nicole. Nicole's our Tokio Hotel expert. Now their album hasn't really caught on in the states. Nicole: Yet. Purple Guy: But as you can see the few fans they have our passionate. Like crazy passionate. Like....Nicole, what are you doing? Nicole: I'm carving Tom's name onto my calf with a paperclip. We're soulmates. Purple Guy: Now when push comes to shove, they're still an internatio