Billfan - da kannst du Gift draufnehmen, dass die freigegeben sind..... Die Aktion war abgesprochen !!!!!!!!! Und hat ja auch super hingehauen: Online-Bild, Bild, RTL usw..... Was will man als TH-PR-Mensch mehr...??? Die beherrschen die Klaviatur dieser Mechanismen allerbestens !!!!!!!!!!! Und Ausserdem: für den Rest des Tages hatten die Jungs dann ihre Ruhe.... und ganz wichtig: Freunde und Angehörige sind auch nicht mit drauf - schön abgemacht....!!! Das ist nämlich der Deal.....!!! (und der war es auch auf den Malediven....)
Zitat von scooterBillfan - da kannst du Gift draufnehmen, dass die freigegeben sind..... Die Aktion war abgesprochen !!!!!!!!! Und hat ja auch super hingehauen: Online-Bild, Bild, RTL usw..... Was will man als TH-PR-Mensch mehr...??? Die beherrschen die Klaviatur dieser Mechanismen allerbestens !!!!!!!!!!! Und Ausserdem: für den Rest des Tages hatten die Jungs dann ihre Ruhe.... und ganz wichtig: Freunde und Angehörige sind auch nicht mit drauf - schön abgemacht....!!! Das ist nämlich der Deal.....!!! (und der war es auch auf den Malediven....)
Kommt mir mittlerweilerweile auch so vor. Als ob die Beiden tatsächlich so ihren Geburtstag verbringen würden (hat die Bild behauptet, glaub ich): mit Cola und hochgeschlossen (Bill) am Strand. Die dachten sich sicher: ein paar Razzi-Pics und danach können wir in Ruhe irgendwo abfeiern!
So - heute gib's noch einen neuen Teil des Buzznet-Interviews von Anfang August in New York im Internet:
Buzznet - TH talks sports and American girls. September 4, 2008
Buzznet just posted this cute interview with the band. These were some good questions! Not the usual “what kind of girl do you date?” stuff. Their facial expressions are really great. Sometimes I wonder if there is any human funnier than Tom. He is so QUICK with his wit. Sadly, none of them said they wanted to talk any salami or bbq with them to the island. *sigh*
So funny.......................... Lachen am Morgen ist gesund...... hi hi hi....
Und zur besseren Verständigung hier noch Auszüge aus der Diskussion darüber bei tha:
Just found this, I'm thinking it went live on Buzznet this evening....
I'll try to get a transcript here in a mintue..OK bear with me on the transcripts I wrote them down fast.. ha... and some of the things they say I couldn't make out.. but here goes:
Q. Bill and tom what's the biggest fight you ever got in?
Georg: there are alot Bill: alot Tom: the hardest and biggest fight was maybe two years ago in the hotel room. Bill: yes, with a table and chairs Tom: yes the whole hotel room was destroyed and I think it was in Austria Georg: yeah
Q. What was it over?
Bill: I don't know Tom: me neither Gustav: I don't really remember I think I was in the room and I saw it and they dropped me off in the room... (confused on some of that) Bill: and 10 minutes later all was fine. Tom: everything was forgotten
Q. What sports did you play in school?
Bill: Oh I was not never a sporty guy Tom: Basketball Gustav: Soccer
Q. What song on your Ipod are you embarrassed of having?
Georg: embarrassed of having Bill: you know one song off of David Hasselhoff for Georg I'm pretty sure of Tom: but he don't know it, but he don't know it's embarrassing Georg: I'm not embarrassed because of it Bill: it's just to dance you know it's just not the music Georg: to train my moves Bill: yeah Tom: and Georg stand behind David Hasselhoff so he's you know.. Bill: it's not embarrassing not at all Georg: not at all
Q. Would you guys date a girl that lived in the US?
Tom: date a girl Bill: in the US Tom: in the US Tom: yeah sure Georg: why not Bill: yeah sure Tom: why not Bill: why not.........(I'm thinking they both agree wholeheartedly)..
Q. If stranded on a deserted Island if you could have three things what three things would you have?
Bill: that's hard Tom: there things on an island Bill: I think Tom Georg: ahhhhhh Tom: you need me.. ahhh so cute.. Georg: a jet ski Tom: yeah a jet ski Georg: a girl Tom: that would be the first girl for Georg Bill: for me it's Tom, a jet ski and a laptop Georg: you need also a villa or villian.... (wasn't sure on what he said there) Tom: would be bill....(AHHHHHHHH), a jet ski, and also a girl yeah Bill: which girl Tom: I don't know... Jessica Alba Bill: AHHH Gustav: Ipod, and um a girl is always good and Georg.. AHHHHHH Bill: (says something cute not sure) Tom: claps
Q. Would each of you make the oddest noise or sound with your voice, buzznet request.. ( stupid question if you ask me)
Tom: loud is it when Georg do big business on the toilet Bill: yeah it's loud............(noise) Georg: but it's only loud.. ------------ Talking about three things to have on a deserted island- Gustav: "Yeah, a girl is always good.." Bill says his three bandmates!!!!!!!!!!!! And then he screws it up with a laptop and jetski. Tom says BILL!!!! And a girl. Gustav says GEORG!!!!! TOM'S FACIAL EXPRESSIONS!!!!!! He looks so embarassed/ shy when he says that he would want Bill there with him!!!! This is simply way too adorable and touching. ---------------- Same 3 things on an island question:
Bill: "I think...Tom." Tom: "You" Bill: "Yes....." (in a soft, gentle, big-brother I-love-you voice ) ------------ Gustav: my ipod, a girl is always good, and.. Georg. edit: gustav spoke!!! he looks so cute when he actually gets involved in the conversation and speaks..... --------------
Oooooch......... Hollywood&Highland-Mall...................... da also findet das Outdoor-Ding bei Kimmel-Live auf ABC am 9. 9. statt.................... *seufz*......... (das ist das geniale Einkaufscenter gleich neben dem Kodak-Theatre...... Hot Topic ist da auch im 2. Stock - und das Ding ist offen gebaut und wunderschön...... mit vielen geilen Läden..........)
Want to be on National TV with Tokio Hotel? September 4, 2008
When Tokio Hotel performs at the Hollywood and Highland mall, 10 lucky fans and their friends will get a chance to be part of the band’s TV performance- and be shown on national TV themselves!
The 10 craziest Tokio Hotel fans will be chosen by the host of the event (Jo Jo from KIIS). Each winner, plus a friend, will be put on the guest list for Tokio Hotel’s performance on Jimmy Kimmel Live on Tues Sept 9. The band will be performing 5 songs on Kimmel’s outdoor stage, and the winners will be allowed to enter first… and Jimmy Kimmel Live will show them on national TV! Winners will need to arrive at Kimmel at 6:15pm latest.
Kimmel is filmed somewhere in LA, I am sure the winners will receive the most specific instructions. _________________