Kann meine Frage selbst beantworten: Die unterbrochene Autogrammstunde betraf also Mexico City. Hier ist ein Bericht eines Fans, den ich von Tokiohotelamerica habe:
Mexico's autograph signing, a bittersweet experience Hey everybody,
I just came home from TH's autograph signing in Mexico City and I have to say it was cool but at the same time disappointing. I was the first one of the 2000 people there to get an autograph so I luckily saw them smiling, posing and just being friendly.
The twins smiled widely most of the time, Gustav was just being... himself, serious but polite, Georg similed timidly. I didn't really say anything to them (after 9 hours of waiting, I was tired and cold because of the rain) and they didn't really say anything to me haha, but they were nice, I can't complain.
- Bill was wearing red and had spiked hair, Tom was wearing brown, Georg and Gustav black. - The twins' smiles are just... perfect, you just get blown away by those pearly whites, and when both of them are beaming at you at the same time, it's just amazing. - Tom's eyes looked lighter than Bill's (maybe because Tom was wearing brown), I just couldn't stop looking at his eyes, very pretty. I read somewhere that "When you look into Tom's eyes, you feel like you're having an orgasm already". I can't deny there's a bit of truth in that haha. - I just can't get over how... BEAUTIFUL Georg is. He has the prettiest green/blue/gray eyes, his perfect straightened dirty blonde hair and tender smile. I'm completey and hoplessly infatuated with Tom but Georg is just... gorgeous, absolutley gorgeous. Besides, he smiled at me in such a sweet, warm way I swear I melted a little inside haha. - Gustav is just adorable. Like a friend said: "If he hadn't been born, Pixar would've created him, he's just too cute" He's too serious and shy, he looked even uncomfortable but he wasn't rude or anything, he smiled at me a little. He has the biggest eyes and largest eyelashes I've ever seen in a guy haha. - Bill is just mind blowing, he's extremely tall and just impressive to watch. Even if he doesn't talk to you, he smiles at you in such a way you feel like you can die at that very moment haha. I dunno, it's hard to describe. He has this really cool and sweet aura all around him, and it's so strong you actually feel it.
Then the rest of the fans there started getting into the huge parking lot for the signing. Everything went well, going pretty fast and dinamic, everybody was getting their autographs and the guys were waving, smiling and they seemed pleased to be in front of such a crowd. But then "scheiße" happened XD.
About an hour after I got my autograph, I saw their blonde bodyguard (dunno who he is but he didn't look friendly at all) talking to Bill and shaking his head "no". Their bodyguard started motioning the security guards to stop people from entering, Bill complained and told the bodyguard to keep letting people in, so they signed more autographs for about half an hour before they just stood up and left without signing half the autographs they promised they would.
At first the security guards of the place said that the band was going to take a break from signing. But about 10 minutes later, their mexican label manager announced that Bill and Tom felt sick (because of the city's altitude) and had to leave. I should mention that they arrived today to Mexico.
I was upset because 1. My brother was left out with only 10 people before him, 2. The record label made us buy the cd again to earn a bracelet so we could get into the signing (which in the end, it was for nothing) and 3. Girls waited for them for 10 hours under the cold rain, and couldn't get their autographs. Seeing them cry, completely broken hearted after YEARS of waiting for them, made ME feel deeply sad.
I really don't know how sick the twins could've felt since they seemed perfectly fine during the signing, I know this city can be overwhelming but why couldn't Gustav or Georg stay? There were only about 100 people left or less, they could've taken a break instead of just leaving...
I honestly have mixed feelings towards everything. I feel so happy because I got to meet them and I shared a connection with Tom, but leaving the little girls just like that makes my stomach shake in uncertainty beccause I know this isn't the first time they leave or cancel an event.
I do have pics but I'll post them after I've processed this bittersweet moment.
oh Mann, das mußte ja kommen, und ich dachte, sie hätten jetzt bis zu den VMA's ein bißchen frei, nix da, nächste Woche gehen die Termine weiter, zwar keine Konzis mehr, aber 2-3 Radio Interviews pro Tag !!!!! ich hoffe nur, sie halten das durch.
Oops...ich habe auf eine Videoübertragung gewartet und hatte den Ton nicht an.Jetzt höre ich aber alles. Ist das ein Stream für ein Konzi oder Radiointerview?Oder was bekommen wir da zu hören?*neugierig bin* Auf jeden Fall kann ich mein Spanisch wieder auffrischen.
Oh,mein Gott...oh,mein Gott! Das hat sich echt ganz und gar nicht gut angehört. Bill war voll heiser und seine Stimme klang total rauchig. Da bekommt man es echt mit der Angst zu tun,wenn man überlegt,dass die Stimmband OP erst so kurz her ist. Hoffentlich bekommen die Jungs bald wirklich eine längere Erholungspause,damit sie sich wieder regenerieren können.Denn so kann es nicht weiter gehen.Dann lieber erstmal keine Auftritte,als Playback,dass trotzdem mit enormer Anstrengung verbunden ist.
Schade ich hab vor lauter basteln das total verpasst...
Aber das hört sich ja übel an was du sagst Mike....hoffentlich bekommen wirklich mal mehr Pause. Aber lt. der Agenda von Scooter stehen ja noch einige Interviews an, also ist nicht viel mit Stimme schonen und ausruhen...
Hier habe ich ein paar Videos von der Autogrammstunde in Mexico City für Euch.Enjoy!
Wow...da war ja echt was los bei der Autogrammstunde.Und die Fans stehen den deutschen Fans in Sachen Gekreische absolut in nichts nach. Ich war echt überrascht,dass die Autogrammstunde in einem Zelt abgehalten wurde. Weiss jemand zufällig von welcher Firma die Autogrammstunde veranstaltet wurde?
Scooter,hab wieder mal vielen Dank für die tollen Sachen,die du für uns gefunden hast! Nach dem Interview war ich echt beruhigt,denn Bill hat sich während des Interviews einfach um einiges fiter angehört,als er es abends auf der Bühne war.Vielleicht steht es ja doch nicht so schlimm um ihn und ich habe mir umsonst Sorgen um ihn gemacht.*Daumen drück und hoff*
Tokio Hotel Gran Concierto 97.7; August 30, 2008 Palacio de los Deportes, Mexico
Host: They like big cities (in reference to why the band chose Tokio as part of their name). Mexico City is also a large city. Their named could've been Mexico City Hotel. They chose Hotel because they travel a lot.
Host: What's next after Mexico?
Bill: We will travel to Los Angeles after tonight... (comment about the VMA nominations)
Host: Your birthday is in two days. What do you plan to do?
Tom: We're not sure yet, but it will surely be something dirty.
Host: Well thank you to Tokio Hotel for being here at the Gran Concierto. We are very happy that you could be here.
Tom: (muchas gracias) thanks so much.
Host: Do you know words in Spanish?
Gustav: (como esta, chica) how are you, girl?
Tom: (hola, muchas gracias.. y.. te quiero, puta) hello, thanks so much.. and.. i love/want you, bitch/whore.
Bill: Viva Mexico.
Host: With that we close the interview with Tokio Hotel who came exclusively to the Gran Concierto. Thanks so much.