September 3rd - San Diego - 7 am at KHTS Station Interview at the station and acoustic performance with studio audience and listeners - may be on the web
'are we ready for Tokio Hotel?' *REALLY BIG SCREAMS* Interviewing fans Interviews were baffled by screams lol ------------------- TH is talking! They said Gustav wrong. ------------------ TH is talking! They said Gustav wrong.
Holy Bill losing his accent, it's so..understandable.
They said GeorgEEEE..
They said Gustav so funny XD Bill talkin about their first album and how it happened, them now, and talkin bout English interviews Letting fans ask qusetions soon
Talkin about Japanese Monsoon & the VMAs, Bill wants to see Pink live at the VMAs, he's lookin forward to eat, questions now.
What did you do for your birthday? Went to the beach, no alcohol.
What hair products do you use, Bill? Uh. Hair Spray.
Birthday spent at the beach drinking Coke.
Bill has a whole bag just for his hairspray!
Hahaha, Tom said Bill's hair takes 8 hours! HAahaha!
Someone asked if they would go home with her...Bill said, "Maybe Tom!"
Girl talking German, they said danke Just all German..
Question: Will you go home with me? Bill: Maybe Tom.
What's your favourite song off the Devilish album? Bill: Ohhhhhhhhhh. Oh My God. It's terrible. I hate every song.
They asked why a girl was wearing a mask. Was it cuz she was ditching school and didn't want to get caught cuz it was going to be on the internet. There must be cameras there, no? ------------------- Loud screams Acoustic performance!
Monsoon time!
I think they meant play more songs for the fans, while AJ & them go into the radio studio.
Boahhh...... scheint echt lustig gewesen zu sein.....
Ja ja....die Jungs feierten Geburtstag am Strand mit Coca Cola..... !!! Wer's glaubt...... Aber müssen sie natürlich sagen im Amiland..... Nur Georgeeeeee dürfte da ja Alk trinken....
Und Bill hasst jeden einzelnen Song der Devilish CD.....
Einen ganzen Koffer voll Hairspray reist mit ihm mit....
Offensichtlich wurden mehrere Songs gespielt - die sollten auf die Page geladen werden später......
Falls ihr hier keine englischen Sachen haben wollt, lösche ich es. Aber ich habe keine Zeit, immer alles 1:1 zu übersetzen.
So bereiten sich Tokio Hotel auf die MTV Awards vor
Seit einiger Zeit sind Tom und Bill Kaulitz (19) schon in der Filmglitzerstadt. Und denken sich vermutlich, 'Wer arbeitet, muss sich auch entspannen'. Also hängen die Jungs am Strand von Los Angeles ab.
Aber warum haben sie so viel an? Tom traut sich immerhin ein wenig und zeigt seinen Oberkörper. Und – hui! – was ist das denn? Der Gitarrist hat ja einen richtigen Sixpack! Na, bei dem Anblick werden sich seine weiblichen Fans aber freuen.
Bill hingegen hält sich bedeckter. Dafür planschte er später mit den Füßen im Meer. Vor der Party ist nach der Party.
@Gasu: ob es Paperazzi-Pics sind, wird für immer ungeklärt bleiben... Wie bei manch anderen Bildern auch.... Ich gehe davon aus, dass es relativ wenige Paperazzi-Bilder von TH gibt!!! Die steuern alles viel zu präzise..... Das waren meiner Meinung nach bewusst gemachte Bilder - schlisslich muss man ja im gespräch sein..... Wie so manches Mal sonst auch...... Ich sage nur: Malediven...... das war bewusst ao gemacht.......
Urheber der Strandpix: Colourpress / Roba Press .... Heute in Bild übrigens noch ein Weiteres zu finden.....
Los Angeles. Lange Mähne, Zöpfe, übergroße Sonnenbrillen und ordentlich viel Fast Food. So entspannen Bill und Tom Kaulitz, Deutschlands angehimmeltste Mädchenschwärme von der Erfolgsband „ Tokio Hotel“ am Strand. Statt seiner Finger- in - die Steckdose- Frisur trägt Bill die haare glatt und fein zurückgekämmt. Sonnenbaden ist so viel einfacher… Die Zwillinge machen Geburtstagsurlaub ( am 1 September wurden sie 19 ) in Kalifornien - und haben gerade ihre USA- Tour erfolgreich abgeschlossen. „ Natürlich ist Amerika das Größte für jeden Musiker. Hier treten die Besten auf. Und dass wir jetzt dazugehören, ist schon klasse“, sagt Bill Kaulitz.
Das meinte ich, Supernova !!!
Und zu obigen Bildern von thus: ich habe noch Bessere - aber teilweise etwas gross..... muss ich zuerst sortieren, bevor ich sie hier reinstelle..... (nicht, dass ihr mir noch den Hals umdreht.....)
JoJo talking about them, right before they came out:
Their escalade... but I really just wanted to post this picture because that is the loooong walkway that they walked down as they were coming into the building. I had allll this time to get a good picture, but I was too busy drooling all over myself.
"I forgot my microphone!" :rotfl: SO cute.
Who knew Georg had a sexy jawline too? :unf:
Nice view of the um... suspenders.
Anddd, this is the last one.
[quote="Mad-Scooter"]I wish this hadn't come out blurry. :woe:
Gustav was sitting right next to me through the whole thing! I have a funny story about him for my review, hehe.
Gestern kam null Feedback, von wegen Englisch oder eben nicht...... Ich stelle das schöne Review jetzt mal rein. Wenn ihr wollt, kann ich es auch wieder löschen !!!
Review von kayjay12, tha....... KIIS FM mit M&G...... sehr schön.....
My Review! It's long as hell. It's much better than my review from the concert, hehe. It's about my whole day, so sorry if some parts are a tiny bit boring.
I started off my day with philosophy… usually I somewhat enjoy that class but today I just wanted to gooooo! I felt so crappy all day, I only had 3 hours of sleep because I was SO excited, I couldn’t seem to lay down. All the way to school and in class I felt so nauseous, I thought it was just nerves, but it was really bad. But I put it aside and concentrated on the fact that I was meeting the boys in 9 hours!
So finally at like 11:30 we were off to Burbank. My friend and I have a knack for getting lost when it comes to anything for TH, so we left probably 2 hours before what was really necessary. (Yea, we think wayy ahead, hehe) It took us about an hour to get to L.A. (my first time driving in L.A. traffic, go me!) and we found it immediately. Of course. :fryingpan: So we went and parked and decided to walk around and get some food. We walked about 5 seconds in the bazillion degree sun and decided to just go across the street to Wienerschnitzel. It was delicious and my friend randomly sticking stickers on things produced the “Tokio Hotel, World’s Most Wanted Wiener” thing. It was a total accident at first, but it was hilarious.
At about 2 we went back to the car to get our cameras and make ourselves a little less stinky. (It was HOT out there!) And by 2:30 we were heading up to the building to make sure of where we needed to go. We saw the KIIS FM sign outside and figured that was good enough, so we just sat on a bench outside and waited till 3:30. We played some TH songs, made a funny little video, then she knocked out on the bench and napped for a good 10 minutes. Other people started to get there, more waiting, then we saw Tobi! At that point, I was on the phone with my other friend trying to tell her how to get there, and I whispered “I see Tobi! I see Tobi!” and just hung up on her. I wasn’t excited because it was Tobi (sorry halucy) I was just excited because that meant the boys were near.
After a bit, some guys came over and told us to clear the walkway, so we all moved and a few minutes later someone yelled something that I won’t repeat and I turned around and BEAUTY was making its way toward me. I wish all of you could have seen it, I SWEAR they were walking in slow motion. Tobi was walking in front of them all badass and they looked SO good. I can’t even begin to explain it, so I’ll stop. But DAMN. None of us even screamed or anything. We just said hi, a couple people told them they loved them, and they waved. They walked inside and we all sat around and waited some more.
4 o’clock came around and we were ready to go in. 4:10 came and I was getting very impatient. Finally, probably around 4:30, the lady came out, gave us some rules, packed us into elevators and took us up to the 5th floor. The little room we were in was really cool. There were pillows on the floor to sit on and pictures of a bunch of celebrities on the walls and I thought it was fun. Everything was supposed to start at 5, but you know the boys, always gotta find a way to be late. It was fun though, Fat Daniel was in there and telling us stories about the crazy JB fans, it was great.
Finally at 5:30 something JoJo came out and “the girls” (can we come up with a clever nickname for them?) told him that we were going to sing happy birthday to them. So the boys walked onto the stage, Tom, Bill, Georg, and Gustav just walked in and stood by the door.(Hehe, when they first walked out they were all prepared to start, but then Bill started looking around and turned to someone on the side and said IN GERMAN that he forgot his microphone. It made me laugh.) JoJo told them that someone wanted to sing a song for them and everyone started singing for them. I thought it was lame at first, but the guys seemed to be enjoying it, so I joined in. It was fun and they were happy, so I was happy.
I sent Schnee the setlist, but I’m not sure if she got it or not. They played Monsoon, Black, and then Final Day. Monsoon was so so so good. And I actually did start to tear up for a second. I got over that quickly though and sang my heart out. I really love the radio version. Black is one of my least favorite songs, so I just used that time to soak it all in. I cannot believe how much those boys mean to me. Final Day was awesome of course. It didn’t seem like many people were singing along during the songs. Maybe it was just me being deaf or something, but it seemed so quiet in there.
Somewhere in all the madness, one of “the girls” had an outburst about how much she loved Tom and Bill looked over at him and said “I love you too.” I didn’t know what to do with myself, I wanted to fling myself up there and embrace his adorableness. :heartbeat:
After that, the questions began. JoJo asked them the band name question and Bill gave his usual answer of course. Before JoJo asked the question, he told the fans “I know you guys know the answers, but don’t say anything, okay? Let the guys answer.” Good fangirls! You listened for the first question. So then he proceeds to ask if they had any other ideas for band names and that whole side of the room yells DEVILISH! : I knew it couldn’t last. Everyone knows how the rest of the question portion went, so I won’t go into further detail because I’ll just get mad again. There was only one fairly young girl in that group though who was 13. (She was annoying the crap out of me before we even went in. :stabby:) The rest of them had to of been at least 16. Anyway, seriously stopping now.
Someone asked them what else they liked to do in their spare time and Bill said sleep and Tom said “I like to watch porn DVDs.” I said “Tom!” and he laughed. Oh Tomi. :hug:
Ah! And as they were answering questions, Tom kept putting his arm up and his sleeve would fall and you could see so much arm! I tried so hard to get a picture for you Kayla, I know how much you love his arm. But I couldn’t get one. :woe:
Oh, and every time someone asked a question that involved a German word and they pronounced it wrong, Bill corrected them right away with a big smile on his face. :rotfl:
So then the guys left the room, and we were told to pile the pillows in the middle and get in a big circle around the room. I was surprised that for the most part everyone in there could figure out a circle. Except for the one girl who thought it would be cool to stand RIGHT in front of me until the last second when I announced I was being suffocated. I was just talking to my friend and I turned around and said “Holy shit!” Bill and Tom were already making their way around the circle. I didn’t even notice them come in.
Bill got to me and looked right into my eyes and ooh baby.
Tom came and now that I think about it, I don’t remember him at all. I suck.
Their crew was behind me, trying to get stuff out and pack it up, so one of them kind of walked between me and my friend and all the sudden, Georg pops out of nowhere, so I said “Oh, hi!” And he said hey in his deep manly Georg voice. I bet I sounded like a total idiot.
So then here comes Gusti. The guy from their crew was next to me on the ground trying to pack up a speaker and he like took the back off so he could put the wires in and Gustav looked at him and pointed like “you broke it!” and the guy said “Oh, Gustav” in an adoring kind of tone, haha. Then Gustav looks at him and says “It’s a fukking hole man!” All of this was happening as he was signing my picture and my jaw just dropped. It was so funny to me, to hear him speak, to hear him speak in English, and to hear him speak that word in English. And honestly, I wasn’t trying to avoid the word censor, I saw that that was how Eve_Ill spelled it when she described her experience with him and that’s EXACTLY how it sounded if that makes any sense.
The boys then got up on the stage for pictures. Bill started out on the right, but hit Tom's arm and said something, and they switched. It was cute. It went so fast, I felt like I was up there in 2 minutes. It was almost my turn and I was standing next to Tobi and I was like “Holy crap, I can’t believe I’m going to be this close to the boys.” I was half talking to myself and half talking to my friend and he looked over at me and smiled and started to say something and I cut him off and I was like “Sorry!” Haha, I have no idea what I was apologizing for, but he said it was okay and he said just breathe, they’re people too (or something along those lines). I said “thanks Tobi” and marched up to the stage. I took a deep breath and they all giggled at me. I’m so mad at myself. I could not bring myself to look up at all. It’s not even that I was that nervous, I just... didn’t. I took my picture, mumbled a thank you and walked away. I can’t believe I was so calm the whole time and then right at the end I froze up. My picture was so ugly btw. I haven’t seen it yet, but I could just FEEL how ugly it was. Maybe I’ll pull a Schnee and put a big blue box over myself.
Finally, it was over and I was a little sad. We went outside and sat down on our bench and just tried to take it all in for a few minutes. Their crew came out and they were carrying all their stuff and a girl was trying to carry her ipod, cell phone, other misc. items, and two guitars at once. So my friend said, “Do you need some help? Because you really look like you need help, not because I’m a crazy fangirl.” Haha *imagines her grabbing the guitar and bookin’ it* So we helped them carry stuff to a suburban and told her to tell the guys thank you from Kori and Ashley. As if she was really going to, but it was worth a try. We went back to our bench and decided to walk around for a little bit. It had cooled off and we didn’t feel like driving forever yet. Us and our 2 other friends walked over to where their escalade was and wanted to take a picture with it, so we stayed on our side of the street and just crouched down so you could see it in the background. We weren’t bothering anyone or being stalker-ish or anything, but the driver gave us a dirty look, talked into a walkie talkie thing and then sped away.
We decided that it was finally time to go home, but confusing L.A. streets said “NO!” We didn’t get lost on the way there for once, we decided to change it up a little. Finally, we found our way to the freeway and were on our way home. I was really quiet because I was tired and didn’t feel good again, then all the sudden my friend turned the radio up, and JoJo said something about Tokio Hotel! So we both lunged for the radio, and one of us hit a button and changed the station. I screamed and suddenly was back to my normal not-quiet self. We started losing the station anyway because we were going through the mountains, so we started flipping through stations, and we suddenly hear Bill’s voice. We flipped outttt! I had no idea they were going to be on then, I thought the 98.7 interview was before ours, so we were so surprised. We caught the end of it and heard them talking about Bill’s hair, the VMAs, and other stuff, and then we heard Monsoon on the radio for the first time. We were soo excited. We rolled down the windows and sang and squealed, and fangirled our heads off.