500 Euro Strafe für den Prügler von Tokio-Hotel-Gustav
Sehr milde Strafe für den Mann, der auf „Tokio Hotel“-Drummer Gustav (21) mit zwei Bierflaschen einschlug!
Die Staatsanwaltschaft stellt das Verfahren gegen Nexhat T. (30) ein: Der Täter muss lediglich 500 Euro zahlen und einen Entschuldigungsbrief schreiben. Mitte Juli hatte der Küchenhelfer in einer Magdeburger Diskothek auf Gustav eingeschlagen, weil der Musiker sich mit einem Mädchen unterhalten hatte.
Der „Tokio Hotel“-Star musste ins Krankenhaus gebracht und mit 36 Stichen genäht werden.
Elle girl (Russland) - Bill Kaulitz: We became older, but not more adult!(English transl.)
The Band Tokio hotel will perform in Moscow on March 10 with a new concert program HUMANOID. The disputes about what kind of music is playing "Toki" - emo or common pop - finished long time ago. Nowadays nobody wonders why the leader of the band Bill Kaulitz looks like make-uped cyborg. Tokio hotel proved their star status as celebrities, who are allowed to do everything. Or not everything? That's what we try to find out in the talk with Bill Kaulitz.
* Elle girl: On your album HUMANOID you sound very adult like 30 year old rockers.
Bill: To be honest, this album turned out differently that we planned it to be from the beginning. We decided to watch, what would happen if every of band members played the way he wanted. We wanted to experiment with the instruments. As a result we got a new sound. It happened accidentally.
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* Elle girl: There's a synthesizer in many of your new songs. Were you inspired by the music of the 80's?
Bill: Actually we all listen to different music. But when we were sitting in the studio, in principle we didn't listen anything besides our working records. We also concentrated on ourselves and what we wanted to achieve, that's why we had no influences on our album. We tried to find out how to make our band's sound more intensive, we experimented a lot in the studio, and all this came from within.
* Elle girl: This is your second English album.
Bill: Yes, but there's one distinction. We released Humanoid in two versions: English and German. And from this moment all our next albums will be released in this format.
* Elle girl: Do you personally prefer to sing in English or in German?
Bill: English and German are both essential parts of our life. I can not separate out one of them as main. When we were on tour in the USA we sang most of our songs in English, but our fans wanted to listen how we sing in German. We sang and they even sang with us, can you imagine that?!
* Elle girl: Once Scorpions were also popular in America…
Bill: (laughs) The Scorpions is the living legend. And we are in different weight categories.
Elle girl: What's your attitude to Rammstein? Bill: I can say the same about them too. They are making incredible shows. But they have different music.
Elle girl: What do you think about when you listen to your early songs? Bill: I think that my voice has changed. It became deeper. Be became older, but that doesn't mean that we became more adult!
* Elle girl: Do you consider yourself and your band-members hardcore rockers?
Bill: I don't understand what you mean (laughs). When we are on tour, we don't drink alcohol. Besides, to have a good sleep is very important for us. But when we organize a party, then it is really hardcore and we enjoy everything that rock-n-roll can give us!
* Elle girl: There are some words in the song World Behind My Wall: "One day I will be ready to go, see the world behind my wall". Sounds intrigue…
Bill: This song is very private. It's not about that I feel like in jail, but about the walls that are around us all the time. That is what's happening with us for about last 5 years.
* Elle girl: Is it one of the minuses of real fame? If you make one step outside, you are immediately surrounded with a crowd, aren't you?
Bill: Yeah, absolutely right. We want so much to have a chance to go outside just to walk on the streets, to see the world around. Earlier when we were on tour in other countries, we could allow ourselves to walk without bodyguards. Now this is impossible. But we like when people listen to our music. Fame for us is a real drug.
* Elle girl: What would you do if you didn't become musicians?
Bill: We would be unemployed musicians (laughs). We would perform in different nightclubs for 25 cents. And of course, we would also shoot a couple of porno-films to earn money!
* Elle girl: Why exactly porno-films? Have you already got an offer to perform in something like that?
Bill: Nope. It's a joke. No one and never would offer me a role in porno-film, because my participation in it is impossible.
* Elle girl: by the way, about films. I heard that some was going to shoot a feature film about Tokio hotel. Is it true?
Bill: We were offered a couple of times to shoot a film about band's life. I respect the actors, but every one should do his own business. Musicians shouldn't become actors and vice-versa. People shouldn't mix these two professions. But on the other side: never say "never". So, if one day I would be offered a good role, who knows…
* Elle girl: What is the attitude of your band members to the fact that all attention of the public and media is concentrated on you?
Bill: It has never been the reason for the conflicts. Even now when the attention to my personality is constantly growing. And that is also because that only I am represented on the cover of our new album. Probably, someone can be confused. But this can not confuse us, musicians. Every band has its own frontman. And it happened that way, that Tokio hotel's frontmen is me!
Freitag 2. April 2010 Larazon.es - Tokio Hotel: «Somos unos perfeccionistas» Larazon.es - Tokio Hotel: "Wir sind Perfektionisten" Tokio Hotel: «Somos unos perfeccionistas» Tokio Hotel: "Wir sind Perfektionisten"
Tokio Hotel: "Wir sind Perfektionisten"
Madrid Sie kehren zu entfesseln das Phänomen "Fan" mit zwei Konzerten in Barcelona und Madrid
Seine "Fans" sind bereits Camping, ist Ihr Publikum überwiegend weiblich-an der Tür des Palacio de los Deportes de Madrid, wo sie wirken am Mittwoch, 6. April, einen Tag vor und in Barcelona.
Die Szenen der Begeisterung für das deutsche Quartett wiederholt. Vor kurzem wurden vier Anhänger Pariser Gruppe denunziert durch die, nachdem sie sie seit Monaten verfolgt und hatte sogar ein Lauf auf der Straße. Ihre Namen sind Gustav Schaefer, Bill und Tom Kaullitz und Georg Listing.
- Haben Sie Angst vor dem Verhalten ihrer Anhänger?
-Bill: Nein, eigentlich nicht ... Wir haben die besten "Fans" des Planeten, aber manchmal ein wenig auszugleichen. Tom: Besonders, wenn man nackt sind und warten auf George in seinem Hotelzimmer ... (lacht) Bill: Ah, ja! Fue Interessant genug, denke ich, es passiert in Spanien, auf der letzten Tour ... (Mehr Gelächter)
- "Sie haben Musik zu machen für neun Jahre Was hat sich verändert die Art und Weise verstehen sie?
-Tom: Gute Frage. Als wir begannen wir wollten nur spielen. Egal, wie schlecht wir waren, und wir waren sehr schlecht ... (Lacht), weil wir härtesten Kritiker haben schon immer unser. Wir sind ein Perfektionist und das ist, warum es so lange gedauert hat, um, bringen neues Album, weil wir wollen, dass alles perfekt zu sein.
-Bill: Ich glaube, wir verstehen, dass Musik kann Leben verändern Menschen, nicht nur unseres. Die Briefe von "Fans", unsere Kontakte mit ihnen, wir haben sie alle erhielten von ... scheint unglaublich, dass die Musik eine solche Kraft und das hat uns zu denken.
- Wie Sie Entscheidungen treffen Band in der? Sind sie demokratisch?
-Tom: No way ... Ich bin der Vorsitzende (Gelächter).
-Bill: Ich mag so zu denken, aber am Ende bin ich derjenige, der Befehle gibt die ...
-Georg: Eigentlich bin ich der Chef, jeder kennt
-Tom: Wie Sie sehen können, haben wir immer einer Meinung ..
- Sind Sie es leid mehr beantworten Fragen über ihr Aussehen, als über ihre Songs?
-Bill: Nein, es ist mir egal. Ich weiß, dass unsere Art sich zu kleiden können Fragen verursachen eine Menge. Es ist meine Entscheidung, das Kleid gefällt und die Folgen davon.
-Tom: Eigentlich mit dem letzten Album haben wir über die Musik reagiert haben auf viele Fragen und ich denke, es ist ein gutes Zeichen ...
- Haben Sie schieben den Erfolg?
-Bill: Erfolg, nein. Wir schieben uns die ganze Zeit, und wir wollen Karriere haben die Kontrolle über unsere. So sind wir immer bestrebt excellence, und das ist die Hitze, der Motor der Gruppe.
- Welche Gruppen würden Zitieren als Referenz?
-Bill: Ich liebe Gossip und Kings of Leon.
-Tom: In meinem iPod immer Aerosmith.
-Georg: Es ist ein Pass der letzte Rekord von Stereophonics -Gustav: Klassiker wie Metallica oder Foo Fighters, und King's X.
- Glauben Sie, Sie würden zustimmen, dass ein anderes Kleid?
-Bill: Niemals. Sonst nicht in private gesehen, aber ich denke nicht viel geändert.
-Tom: Georg versuchte, und niemand erkannte ihn, aber das passiert auch wenn es) verlässt die Bühne (alle lachen)
Tokio Hotel, the young band from Magdeburg, became the first German group to win the MTV Video Music Award three times in a row, the last one in November 2009..
Tokio Hotel rocks! “I’m a TH fan for ever,” writes Monica in the American music magazine Rolling Stone’s live blog, delighted they’ve won the 2008 MTV Video Music Award.
It’s a late-summer sensation: for the first time in the 25-year history of the awards, the coveted Moonman trophy for Best New Artist went to a German band, to Tokio Hotel. The news was announced in L.A. shortly after 8 p.m. local time. Close to tears, frontman Bill (19) turned to the millions of TV viewers: “Today we want to thank our fans all over the world.”
Why is specifically Tokio Hotel so internationally successful? Why have they made it in the U.S. where the likes of Grönemeyer, Westernhagen and Lindenberg have failed, and even British superstar Robbie Williams is almost ignored? The four young guys seem to catch the spirit of the times and international youth culture – with solid, emotionally charged rock, catchy, authentic lyrics – and especially singer Bill. The made-up eyes, the black fingernails, the backcombed hair. His expressive, androgynous outfit, reminiscent of Japanese manga comics, goes down well with young people – especially the girls.
Describing about one of the band’s first concerts in the U.S., the Rolling Stone wrote: “These guys are the greatest German bubblegum neo-glam-goth-emo-boy band. Ever.” And the respectable New York Times enthused: “If this gig was oddly delightful from start to finish, thank Bill Kaulitz, who should, with any luck, be thrilling and perplexing young Americans for the rest of the year.” Who is this Bill? He and his twin brother Tom Kaulitz, today the guitarist and musical engine behind the band, were born in Leipzig on 1 September 1989, shortly before the fall of the Berlin Wall, and grew up near Magdeburg. Up to the age of six, it was almost impossible to distinguish between the two of them. “We both wore pullovers in kindergarten. One had Bill, the other Tom written on it – so everybody could tell us apart,” says Bill. “We were in second grade when we started with music,” says Tom. “Bill started to sing, mostly songs by Nena. And I started playing guitar. From then on we wanted to become rock stars.”
It’s a long way from Magdeburg to Los Angeles. But the twins seemed unwavering – driven by their antipathy to school. “That was horrific,” says Bill. They were also encouraged by their stepfather, also a musician. Weekend gigs started coming in. And finally, at a gig in 2001 in Magdeburg when they were twelve, they met two guys about the same age – Gustav Schäfer, now the band’s drummer, and George Listing who became the bassist. The four founded a band called Devilish, which later became Tokio Hotel. Music producer Peter Hoffmann discovered them in 2003. Sony BMG then gave them a contract. Hoffmann hired well-known producers and writers and sent the band members to vocal and instrumental lessons. But Sony cancelled the contract shortly before the release of the first album. Universal jumped into the breach, drew up a marketing plan – and from then on it all happened very quickly. In 2005 the video for their debut single “Durch den Monsun” soon brought in droves of youthful fans. The single climbed to number one in the German charts, as did their later debut album “Schrei” (Scream).
Word of their success quickly got around abroad, too. Tokio Hotel became the first German band to enter the French Top 20 with a debut album. “Durch den Monsun” even made it to number one in Israel. The enthusiasm reached its preliminary climax when 5,000 Israeli fans signed a petition asking the band to play in Israel. The Israeli ambassador to Germany passed on the request. The concert was a huge success. Things were no different in France, where Tokio Hotel played for an enthusiastic audience of 500,000 under the Eiffel Tower on Bastille Day. The band’s success in the USA is the final chapter in the story, for now.
Today, sociologists, political scientists and teachers are trying to explain the Tokio Hotel phenomenon. Indeed the band’s popularity has greatly boosted interest in German language courses. Intermediate-school teachers in France speak of a veritable run. Fans are even asking for crash German courses during the holidays. Günter Kipfmüller, Head of the Language Department at the Goethe Institute in Paris speaks of a “stroke of luck right out of the blue”. Even political scientist Alfred Grosser, doyen of Franco-German understanding, mentioned the band in his speech to mark the reopening of the Goethe Institute in Paris in October last year.
An explanation for their success? The boys are refreshingly simple. They are friendly, likeable. Punctuality and reliability are important to them. And they answer interview questions openly and honestly. When asked about east and west Germany, Bill says: “Words like Ossis [east Germans] and Wessis [west Germans] don’t exist for us any more. Our teachers might use them, but we don’t.” By the way, the twins passed the German equivalent of the O-Level (intermediate secondary-school) exam this spring – each with an average grade of 1.8 (on a scale from 1 [top] down to 6 [fail].