@Geo-Tom, Du mußt Dich wirklich nicht rechtfertigen, warum Du Heute in Hamburg warst !! was wer wann, wie, warum und weshalb macht, muß jeder selber wissen.. Ich finde es klasse, daß ihr da ward, wenn ich näher an Hamburg wohnen würde, wäre ich auch hingegangen. wo wohnst Du eigentlich ??
das ganze wird doch wieder extrem hochgeschraubt, nur weil da ein paar Fans "ausrasten" muß es doch nicht heißen, daß alle Fans so sind, mein Gott, das hat es und wird es bei jeder Pop/Rock Gruppe gegeben/geben, und zeigt doch nur, daß die Jungs nach wie vor beliebt, vereehrt, vergöttert oder sonstwas werden. Mir ist das völlig wurst wie andere "Fans" sich verhalten. *Leben und Leben lassen*
es war doch klar, daß viele Fans da ohne Karte hingehen, warum so ein Wirbel ???? was wäre, wenn da gar keiner vor der Disko gestanden hätte, dann würde es heißen, kein Mensch mehr will TH sehen !! auch nicht prickelnd, oder ??
Du willst mir erklären wie ich denke??? Ja,ja, klar...
Ne, ich verurteile dich ja nicht. Und in einer Schublade werde ich dich mit den Dummen Grützel sicher nicht stecken.
Würde ich In HH wohnen, würde ich auch da hinfahren und Neugierig gucken. Schaulustige gibt es immer. Sicher waren auch Hater da, oder? Und verdutze Passanten die sich fragen was das Caos soll.^^
Das Bild von Georg konnte ich nicht so gut erkennen, aber Bill und Tom sehen sehr gestresst und blass aus. Trotz allem finde ich aber das Bill echt süß aussieht, er sollte öfter die Haare so tragen wie heute.
was so passierte, zusammengefasst. leider nur englisch...
-apparently some girl who lives in hamburg was outside b&t's house (along w/ lotssa other stalkers who didn't have tickets) and said they had to call the police just to like get out of the house -odearrrrr a girl went by the venue this morning and said some girl said she will break a window if she has to to get in -there was some kind of 'conflict' lol between germans/ -no alcohol will be served -someone passed out -lots of parents looking confused lmfao -someone saw gusti inside! -there's a few hundred people w/out tickets -lotsssssss of police and tobi, stephen and calli from security -people from health care handing out tea. Yum. -some people trying to get in w/ fake tickets -a german girl and spanish girl are fighting -lots of older fans -some girls that are updating are in. they got pink bracelets and there's a line going down some stairs. -people w/out tickets mayyy be allowed/have already been since only 300 ticket winners showed up WTF????? -very badly organized. it's taking forever to let people in. -it's taking place downstairs...can hear random screams from inside. -they're downstairs..can't see what's ahead of them..red light in the room..lining up..looks like a porn club..fans screaming..very loud -girls got autopraghs, everything went by so fast. so sick, shaking, they are so pretty, no perfect....pic w/ each fan at the end -lol there's redbull -line inside goes slow or not moving. can't tell. good atmosphere among fans, people are calm and well-behaving. random screaming from red light room now and then. -lol woah there are over 400 people on the THA site O_O -italian fans asked security what will happen after the autographs and they said they aren't allowed to tell....SEKRITSSSSS -TOM IS WEARING SEXY CLOTHES.....O yeah. -SHOWING THE DVD ON THE BIG TV SCREEN -italian girls are seeing a stage at a separate room (the space of the club is divided in two rooms apparently) so they are thinking there will be a performance later.MAYBE. -Bill has floofy hair, no major haircut, but it's layered. Bill look like a doll, all of us think. Not in a bad way. He looks unreal. -Bill has black tshirt with metal ringlets all over the front. Tom had a white Adidas jacket. -everyone's dancing now -comment about tom from an italian fan who's there: "Tom doesn't wash himself frequently" *wat heeft dat mens gedaan, haar neus in z'n oksel gestoken ofzo?!* -There's white couches where the boys will probably sit. [No idea if that's how it'll be] and you can then look at them. And inside there's so many drunk people that are drinking till they drop. You can take pictures. But now not even half of the fans have gone through the autograph session. The TH logo is lit up on the wall! -the boys are just watching everyone dance -No stage here unless it's in another room which they will open later. There's a closed off corner in the club, some think the band will come out and sit there because they will at least be at the party but can't be molested by fans, only ogled at like animals in a zoo. -The music is bad. The DJ should be shot. They are playing Katy Perry. naisnaisnais -Music: Now is Summer of 69 by Bryan Adams. Music is okay. Room is in different height levels and peculiarly constructed. One fourth is sealed off with a iron fence. Everyone is just staring over there. Now Kid Rock is playing. THTV is here as well as journalists and photographers. -Clubstaff just walked partway with hundreds of small white pieces of paper. Might be some sweepstakes, we all have unique numbers on our bracelets. -Boys just came out. Everyone went nuts. Like always. Duh. Bill talked and mic and drew and read three tickets and said the # in German and English. They are sitting in the closed off section but it is so crowded and people are climbing on top of each other. Very few can see anything. It's like a moshpit. It's insane. Boys are still here in the room, fans climbing and pushing on each other.Boys are like caged animals in a zoo. It's weird to see. There are 500 cameras snapping pictures at them non-stop. -prize given was nintendo wii's WTF -Lots of chaos. Fans are fainting. Looks like the boys take pics now with fans behind a curtain. Can't see what's going on -Gustav dancing and jumping around, slapping hands over his head cheering the fans on. Fans go beserk. -Worst pushing in history. Can't feel the floor. At least 50 people have fainted. hojeeze -Security looks shocked but are doing a great job. If things don't calm down, I bet they leave. Some fans just can't handle them being here.
-'Tom said that the first 3 girl who stripped at the stage may have a picture with the boys. Girls are on stage and you know what's coming now....' -They are throwing merch into the crowd. Bill and Tom spent most of the time talking to each other. Security is yelling
Wenn sie schlecht aussähen, dann könnte es ja auch daran liegen, dass sie nicht schlafen konnten, weil Massen von Fans vor ihrer Tür waren. Da könnte ich auch kein Auge zu tun.