Ich freu mich grad wie bolle.^^ Dieses Video hier habe ich solange gesucht und eben wieder gefunden. Auch wenn es fast nur von der riesen Leinwand herabgefilmt ist, ist es mein liebstes Tom-live-Video. Er lacht so schön, wenn er singt.
Bill hat es auf MTV.com in die Liste der 5 heißesten Herzensbrecher ohne ein Date anlässlich des Valentinstages gebracht:
Bill Kaulitz - Tokio Hotel frontman Bill Kaulitz may be an acquired taste, but the German definitely stands out in a crowd. Kaulitz has garnered equal amounts of criticism and unabashed devotion for his androgynous look and spiked hair. Regardless of style, the guy's a winner - Tokio Hotel's emo music and rabid fanbase helped them win Best New Artist at the VMAs last year. TH are currently in the studio working on the follow-up to Scream. Oh, and here's a tip, girls - he loves candy, so stock up on conversation hearts and get ready to ride off into the sunset in his monster truck.