Sagte ich doch..... es kommen noch mehr Termine dazu.......
6. 12. 08 - Jingle Ball in Anaheim mit TH, PCD, Katy Perry, Chris Brown usw.....
KIIS FM: Jingle Ball - Anaheim, CA (06.12.08) From GSI on THA!
Ryan Seacrest just announced the Jingle Ball lineup and TH will be there! Its on 12/6/0/8 according to the announcement, and the lineup includes Chris Brown, PCD, Katy Perry, Jesse McCartney and a few others. Wheee!
edit: they just said that the tickets go on sale this Friday, November 7th at 10am. Not sure if that's 10am PST or EST or what. Here's the link the website, which is not yet showing the lineup.
They played a little TH and I think Ryan's mom was on saying she's a big TH fan? Is her name Connie? She said "there's no bigger TH fan than Connie Seacrest". It happened so fast and I was spazzing, so I didn't quite catch it all.
Umsomehr ärgert mich im Moment einfach die Geschichte mit dem Hühnerposten...... - ich bin sonst eigentlich nicht so drauf..... aber ich finde es halt einfach den allermeisten europäischen Fans gegenüber nicht gerade fair - aber darum geht's wohl nicht...... Ganz viele haben sich halt darauf gefreut, dass es noch einen Event für alle, die kommen wollen gibt....
Ich werde mich schon wieder einkriegen..... (und bin gespannt drauf, wie es rauskommt und was ich hinterher denken werde....)
Wow! Tolles Konzert! Tolle Videos und Bilder! Bills Outfit ist Großartig! Fehlt nur noch Body-Öl + Kettenhemd und Bill kann "Rammstein" Konkurrenz machen.^^
Bills Bewegungen sind wieder Göttlich! Besonders das Schunkeln und schlenkern!!!
He he he...... so geile Szenen.... Bill versucht nebenbei, Tom eine Süssigkeit aus der Hand zu zerren, gibt dann auf..... und etwas später legt Tom das Ding plötzlich in Bill's Hand..... spannend zu beobachten.....
Und Bill sagt auf die Frage: Wie viele Wörter hat das Tattoo....? Two sentences - 2 Sätze...... :ueberleg
Also ne, fürs Tattoo muss Bill sich doch nicht ausziehen, das ist auf selber höhe wie der Stern, und da reicht es halt nur eben das T-Shirt hoch zuheben... Bill redet sich voll raus... Aber vielleicht muss es noch heilen... und will es deswegen noch nicht zeigen...
Was steht auf Bills Tattoo? "Tom, ich liebe dich?" Oh, wenn das mal nicht wieder Twincest ist.^^ Ne, die verarschen die ja nur wieder... Kann mir nicht vorstellen das sowas drauf steht... und "Tom ist mein Idol"? Lol... Ja, klar...
Transkript des Chats vom 30.10.08 bei z100 - erstellt von wundertwins (THA):
It's NOT perfect. I tried to transcribe the relevant, audible and amusing parts. I also tried to transcribe everything verbatim (less the technical difficulties part) so you can get a feel for their grammar, expressions and linguistic ticks (ie. Bill’s “um” and “so”, Tom’s “yeah” and “right”).
G=Georg, since Gustav (Gu) barely spoke in the chat and D=Dunja. I described actions that I observed from the videos in [] and my comments in () and italics.
For the first few minutes of the chat: [IT guys scrambling to get the chat rooms and computers to work.] [Boys speaking in German/English trying to figure out WTF is going on with the chat.]
B: [looking into the camera] Our computer doesn’t work so… G: We’re sorry… B: But we see your questions.
[still discussing technical difficulties]
B: They’re reading it right? Guten Tag. Hello…Hello…Hello everybody! T: Hello everyone! G: Oh…Georg’s computer sucks. T: Tom’s computer also sucks. G: Gustav computer also sucks. B: [something in German]…My computer. T: Now Bill’s computer also sucks. All: [laughter]
All: Oh! Oh! Oh!….(it’s working!)
G: Hello Tom, are you reading this? B: Come back to Europe please. Yeah we will! T: Yeah! B: Yeah! T: Yeah!
T: Tom, you are sexy. Thank you!
All: [trying to get the hang of the chat]
B: Will you come back to Montreal? T: To Toronto. B: [speaking German].
All: [speaking German trying to figure out questions and more technical difficulties]
G: What are you guys doing for Halloween? T: Nothing special!
All: [laughter] All: [still speaking German trying to figure out questions and more technical difficulties]
D: Your next album? T: 2009! B: Yeah, 2009. In the beginning of 2009. We’re still working on it! G: But it will be great. T: It will be awesome! It will be über awesome.
D: When are you guys coming to Asia? B: Um… T: Maybe next year. B: Yeah maybe next year.
(This is where the chat finally gets going!)
G: Bill, how do you do your hair? B: Bill I love your outfit today, it’s wonderful. Thank you! T: It’s a lie!
T: Hey Bill, do you have a girlfriend? B: No. No, I don’t have a girl…friend. Right? We all have no girlfriend. Not at the moment.
T: Bill, how do you do your hair? B: Riley, you need a lot of hairspray and don’t brush them too often. T: Right.
B: Georg! Monica! Tom! Maybe your English is so f***ing bad, but you are speaking French is so hot! G: Show her some French Tom. T: You’re right! You’re right!
B: What’s your new tattoo Bill? It’s a secret…[looks into the camera] T: It’s a secret, a very dirty secret. B: It’s not dirty. T: Too dirty for the world. G: Don’t lie Tom.
T: How do you manage your dreadlocks?
B: Georg, I heard you sing on Monsoon. I like your voice and I hope you will continue singing with Bill. T: Yeah. George is a great singer and dancer. B: Maybe on the next tour he has a solo part. Still thinking about it, but… T: Yes, Yes. B: …maybe, you know, the fans… T: I think about the dancing part. B: Dancing part and a solo part. G: Yeah. with a headset maybe. T: And you know in November, George will train with David Hasselhoff, but you know, to figure out some dance moves for the next tour. Yeah. B: Georg is schön. G: Like George is beautiful in English. Right.
T: Yeah…(it’s Dr. Evil!)I think our computer doesn’t work.
[computer crashed again]
D: Hey Georg, how do you say your name? G: Um, in German, it’s called Georg. B&T: Georg Hagen Moritz Listing! G: Georg Moritz Hagen. B&T: Georg Moritz Hagen Listing. G: The right order.
D: Gustav get naked. B&T: [clapping] Gustav! Gustav! Gustav! Gustav! Gustav! Woo! G: On the concert maybe. B: We have to see the downstairs piercing of George. T: Yeah! Right! B: [clapping] George! George! George! G: Only if you show your new tattoo. D: Bill get naked too. T: Bill get naked too. T&G: [clapping] Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill! [Gustav is just sipping his coffee this whole time] B: I think you’re the only one because no one else will see it, so… T: I don't think so.
D: Please come to Europe for awhile. We miss you. B: We really come…We come to Europe again. With the next record definitely, we are in the studio right now. T: In two days, we fly back to Europe. B: Yeah, in two days, we fly back and we record our new record and…yeah, with the next record, we play concerts in Europe, of course, so… T: Right. B: We’re coming back.
B: All the computers are frozen so… T: Yeah. G: Sorry for that. T: So we have to wait…
D: Bill, can you say hi to Veronica at San Jaquinto High? B: Hi Veronica at San Jaquinto High!
G: Will you come to England? T: Yes! We are in England… B: We are in England at the 6th of November for the EMAs in Liverpool.
D: Can you speak Deutsche?
All: [speaking random German]
Woman: What is your next single? B: The next single…it’s not picked yet because we are in the studio, so we are writing songs right now. and we are not sure about that, so we have a couple songs, but it’s not picked which one is the first single, so…
D: Will you come to Hawaii soon? Gu: To Hawaii? For a Hotel Tour? (Gustav speaks!)
B: It’s not working. T: It’s not working! Come on, we sing the a cappella songs. B: George! George! George! G: Bill! Bill! Bill!
G: How many dogs do you have? G: I have one. T: We also have one.
D: Do you ever feel like you want to move to America? T: Yeah sure. That’s why we’re here. B: But I think it would be nice, uh, to have someday a house in Los Angeles. But, I think we always have a flat in Germany because our families are there and our friends, so…I think Germany is the first place for us. It would be nice to have a house in the sun and maybe a flat in New York. T: Yeah.
G: Bill, can you say Liverpool, again? T: Liv-ahpool! B: Liv-ahpool! All: Liv-erpool! [in a deep, manly voice]
G: What is your favorite Halloween costume? B: Vampire! (He said Vampire, not Wampire.)
T: What’s your favorite holiday? G: Every holiday is my favorite holiday. T: I love holidays. No matter where I go. (I think to them, holiday=vacation.]
G: Bill, can you stand up for me please? B: [looks into the camera and laughs] T: Stand up, Bill. G: Bill. T: Bill. B: [laughs and gives Georg the finger.]
G: Are you guys getting sick of Skittles? All: Ehhhhhhhhh…. B: We have a lot of them. T: Yeah, we got a lot of Skittles, so we need a break.
T: French toast? I love French toast. B: I love French toast.
B: It’s coffee! T: Coffee! B: Normal coffee with caramel. It’s good.
B: What’s your favorite color underwear? Black, always black. T: Pink. B: George, George. Sometimes you have a pink one. G: No. B: Green? G: Yes! Green yes, but not pink. B: Not pink? G: No, more red. B: Then, I think Gustav.
T: Hi Nicole! G: Hi Nicole! B: Hi Nicole!
B: Gustav? Gu: Hi Nicole.
D: If somebody sends a package to your studio in Germany, you guys would definitely get it? T: To our studio? I don’t really know. B: Most of the time, but you know…they love presents. T: We have some strange guys over there and maybe the will you know, steal it. B: Steal it.
G: Do you guys like disco? B: George really loves disco. He’s a very good dancer. G: I’m the disco guy. B: Yeah, definitely. B: You know la parade? George loves la parade. Always there, on the truck with flowers everywhere and a pink drink. G: No, the red drink. B: The red drink. T: The red drink and you know.
D: [asked something in German] T: No nobody. B: No nobody? T: No nobody. And it’s good.
T: Will you come back to Canada soon? Hopefully.
B: Callie...[looks into the camera] Stop crying. Why are you crying?
D: Do you guys like to dance to hip hop? G: Only Tom. T: Yeah, I’m the hip hop dancer. G: Great break dancer. T: Yes, yes. I’m a big break dancer. G: Show us the robot! T: The robot? B: [clapping] Tom! Tom! Tom!
B: Oh, George, why do you look so stupid? G: What? B: I don’t know. T: George is too ugly for the world. B: That’s right. T: That’s right.
D: Tom and Bill, do you guys fight a lot? T: Yes. B: Sometimes. No, not a lot. T: Sometimes. B: I think we can fight, so…
[Tom trying to get into the right chat room]
D: Tom dance! B: Tom dance! T: Yeah! B: [clapping] Dance! Dance! Dance! Dance! T: Later on a date.
[Tom trying to get into the right chat room]
B: Do you prefer a brunette girl or a blonde girl? Uhm….I think it doesn’t matter.
B: Bill, do you have a facebook? No, I don’t have a facebook. T: A Facebook? B. A Facebook. What’s a Facebook? T: What’s a Facebook? D: Like Myspace. B: Myspace? Ah, No. T: No. B: No. G: We have an official page on Facebook. B&T: On Facebook? G: Yeah. B&T: Yeah! T: We have official myspace site, but no one of us is private in it.
T: Tom, will you teach me to play Monsoon on guitar? It’s weally hard to learn. B: No. T: It’s weally hard to learn.
B: George, what would you do if you wake up with pink hair? G: Pink hair? B: [looks into the camera] He would love it! T: It would fit to the… G:…pink underwear.
[technical difficulties again]
G: Oh. I can destroy a room!
All: [laughter] G: Tom destroyed my room! T: Not true!
T: Frozen, totally frozen. G: And destroyed by Tom.
G: No more questions here. B: Maybe we can sing a song. B&T: Yeah! [clapping] George! Gustav! George! Gustav! George! Gustav! George! Gustav! G: Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill! T: Come on! Sing ‘Raise Your Hands’ George. B: Ok, you dance and I sing ‘Raise Your Hands.’
G: Oh my God. B: [laughs really loud as he looks on Georg’s screen and claps]
D: Can you please say ‘Happy Birthday’ to me? All: Happy Birthday to you!
D: Are you guys free tonight? T: No. We have no free time. B: We have a concert, but after the concert I’m free, so… T: We are never free.
D: You’re going to have a DVD out in December. Is it possible it will come to America as well? T: I think so.
D: Bill, do you think fame has changed you? B: I think that fame has changed George, but not me. No, I think we are still the same, so because we are together since 8 years and um, we are good friends and we stay good friends, so um yeah. I think it’s good to have each other and support each other and to do all the way together and I think that’s good. And we still have our old friends and families, of course, and so um…I hope we, we… T: The point is we have some fame, but still no money, so… All: G: That’s true. Sad, but true.
D: Will you guys come back to Israel? B: Maybe? it’s not planned, but why not.
D: Who of you has the most fans? B: Me. T: Yeah, I think it’s Bill. B: Wow…Tom.
B: [looks at Georg’s screen and laughs hysterically with Georg] T: Now they go to a different site.
D: Bill, what’s your favorite song? B: Of what? D: Of all time. B: My favorite song…um, I really love ‘Fix You’ from Coldplay, so that’s one of my favorites, but I have a lot, so...
D: Bill, can you say ‘Ahoy Warschau!” B: ‘Ahoy Warschau!”
G: Bill, I found a movie of you. All: [laughing loudly] G: Naughty girls?
D: (not sure what the question was) B: That’s still our dream to play world tour. So maybe we can, we can do it next year that would be...I think that would be the best thing for Tokio Hotel to play world tour so…yeah, but it’s, it’s not planned, it’s not fixed, but maybe we, we can play…
D: Guys, thanks for your music. Your music is grosses kino. Bill, did you get your driver license yet? B: Yes! I have my driver license. I’m a good driver. I’m a very good driver. G: See how long you will have it. B: I have no points in Flensburg. T&G: Flensburg! Flensburg! T: But, yes. I think, four accidents in two weeks. B: That’s not true. That’s not true.
[Guys talking about random stuff, and going off tangent.]
D: Tom, whenever you play ‘Rescue Me’, you look very into it. Do you have a personal relation? T: Oh yeah, but it’s a big secret.
D: Do you guys sleep with any toys or teddy bears? B: George sleeps with toys, definitely. G&B: Big toys. T: George sleeps naked with his teddy bear. B: He really sleeps naked. It’s disgusting. That’s so disgusting…in the tourbus. T: What’s the name of your teddy? G: My teddy? You mean the big blonde teddy that you blow up? B: No.
D: Um guys, let Gustav say something. B&T: Gustav! G&B: Gustav! Gustav!
D: Ok, we need to say ‘Goodbye.’ B: Ok, goodbye everyone! Thank you so much…for joining a little bit, but you know…it was strange, but it was fun. So thank you for your questions and see you guys soon. G: Bye. T: Bye Bye
Jingle Ball 2008 is even bigger! If you missed our announcement today at 5pm, Tokio Hotel has been added to the lineup for Jingle Ball. All weekend we're passing out tickets and passes to meet them! Caller 102 when we tell you will grab a pair of tickets to the show and meet and greet passes for them and a friend with Tokio Hotel! The winning begins after 5pm today with Joey Brooks! Exclusively on Q102...All the Hits!
Jingle Ball 2008 is brought to you by GARAGE, now open at Willow Grove Park Mall.
dieses mal mit: PussyCatDolls, Jesse mccartney,Katy Perry, Lady Gaga und noch einigen andere.....
Dieser Event findet OHNE Tokio Hotel statt........ Es gab niemals Veträge mit TH dafür....... Q102 hat die Teilnahme der Jungs ohne deren Wissen bekannt gegeben - und massenhaft Fans verarscht.......
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 december 2008, Camden, New Jersey..
Jingle Ball 2008 is even bigger! If you missed our announcement today at 5pm, Tokio Hotel has been added to the lineup for Jingle Ball. All weekend we're passing out tickets and passes to meet them! Caller 102 when we tell you will grab a pair of tickets to the show and meet and greet passes for them and a friend with Tokio Hotel! The winning begins after 5pm today with Joey Brooks! Exclusively on Q102...All the Hits!
Jingle Ball 2008 is brought to you by GARAGE, now open at Willow Grove Park Mall.
dieses mal mit: PussyCatDolls, Jesse mccartney,Katy Perry, Lady Gaga und noch einige andere.....
We have now heard from a very reliable source that Tokio Hotel will not be part of this JingleBall. The band is sorry for any inconvenience for fans, but they never confirmed this date. Discussion thread on the forum is open in regards to this. Going to close comments here.
.... So.... hab jetzt nachgelesen: offensichtlich ist es nicht das erste Mal, dass Q102 sowas macht...... Künstler ansagen, obwohl keinerlei Verträge bestehen.... schweineteure Tickets verkaufen..... und dann bekanntgeben "oh, sorry..... die kommen jetzt doch nicht..... aber dafür sind ja andere da...." Ticketpreise zwischen 50 und 200$...................... M&G wurde auch verlost......... und es gibt Gewinner, die ein TH-M&G gewonnen haben.........