Universal Music Singapur hat soeben bestätigt, dass Tokio Hotel am 27.04.2010 und 28.04.2010 einen Zwischenstopp einlegen werden um bei dem Audi Fashion Festival dabei zu sein. Dan & Dean Caten werden die Show am 28.04.2010 mit Dsquared eröffnen. Inzwischen wurde von Audi Fashion Festival auf Facebook bestätigt, dass Bill bei der Dsquared Show mitlaufen wird: "Because Bill is walking in the Dsquared show - just like they did in Milan Fashion Week".
Die Dsquared Show beginnt am Mittwoch um 19:00 UHR (13:00 UHR deutscher Zeit).
Ich kann das Showcase-Video immer wieder anschaun, soooo schön. Wunderschön einfach, zauberhafte Ausstrahlung, toll gesungen, sie wirken richtig zufrieden und glücklich.
Sie werden ernst genommen als Künstler. Darüber gibt es natürlich nichts in der deutschen Presse bzw. in den Klatsch-TV-Sendungen.
@Knofi ...na dann mach mal ...ich lass mich gerne knutschen
youth.sg - Interview with Tokio Hotel - Singapore 29.04.2010
Tokio Hotel in Singapore
Passersby walking past Ngee Ann City on Wednesday might have noticed a group of enthusiastic teenage girls lining the walkway.
They were waiting for the appearance of Tokio Hotel, a German band that was in town to play at the Audi Fashion Festival that night.
Tokio Hotel has sold out tickets to their concerts in arenas and stadiums around the world, and Wednesday's DSquared2 Fall/Winter 2010 show - while not technically their night since they took on just a 2-song acoustic performance after - was also sold out.
Along with Youth.SG photographer, this lucky fan got a shot at interviewing Tokio Hotel the next day. Lead singer Bill Kaulitz has won thousands over with his originality and beautiful voice. His identical twin, guitarist Tom Kaulitz, is a charming lady's man through and through. And there are Georg Listing, the bassist - he's taken - and Gustav Schafer, the drummer who wows with his muscular arms and faultless drumming. What will they say to this smitten fan?
Youth.SG: This is Tokio Hotel's first visit to Asia. How did you feel when you knew you were coming here? Bill: We were really excited when we heard we were coming to Asia. Tom: Yeah, we'd always asked our record company about entering Asia; we want to come to Asia and perform concerts and all that. For us it's great and it has always been like a dream to us.
Will you be touring Asia soon, then? Tom: Yeah, hopefully! Bill: We definitely hope so. We're just planning our next trip; I think we are visiting China in July, and we hope to visit Japan for the first time. And we will come back to Singapore, for sure.
What do you think about the girls in Singapore? Tom: They're very beautiful. We met some fans yesterday and played some acoustic songs. Bill: They were so sweet yesterday. It was really cool and it's always exciting to meet fans for the first time. It's always such a magical moment.
Which song in your new album Humanoid do you think describes you best? Bill: I think there're a lot of songs that describe us well. We have "Alien" that describes the feeling we have sometimes, including the feelings Tom and I had during our childhood. "World Behind My Wall" is another song that describes our life. Tom: In general, every song is something that's come out of our lives, so every song is a personal song. Georg and Gustav: Yeah, it's the same for us.
You guys look so cool all the time. How ordinary are you? Bill: We're all different and we each do our own thing; it was never an issue for us. Tom: And we don't look cool all the time. I mean, you should see Georg at night with his pajamas… Bill: … and with his teddy bear. I'd always liked doing my own thing, trying new things out, and having lots of fun with it. And Georg doesn't so… (Georg laughs)
It is difficult not to fall even deeper in love with Tokio Hotel. Let us all hope they come back to Singapore soon.