Schade das es keinen Live-Stream gibt, bin gespannt wann man dann die Videos auf der Seite sehen kann. *mal wieder zu ungeduldig bin ^^*
Originally posted by aniinhas: Here is the interview from 40principales
I am doing the translation and I will post it as soon as I can
Bill Kaulitz: "For my hairdos, I fix/inspire myself on Georg's pubic hair The band was in Madrid to present their new work to the media
Tokio Hotel were in Madrid to promote their new album, Humanoid, face to face with the Spanish media. And there, sitted with the guys on a hotel room, there was also
About the prodution of their album, they said: "We tryed to create something diferent, that's why we took a "pause" year so we could focus ourselfs in compose and record. this is the first time, since we recorded our first album, that we could take it easy and do the stuff relaxed". However, they say that, in this resty year, they could realized that they can't comeback to theyr normal life, as they knew them: "There is any difference between Tokio Hotel and our private life".
the band also talked about new bands which were inspired in their looks and music, as Cinema Bizarre: "When we started, we send our demos to more than ten discographic companies and all the rejected us. However, while we were becoming famous, each one of them wanted to have their own Tokio Hotel. We wish that bands all the besr, and we hope they will find their style according to what they like, and not what the discographic companies wanted them to be.
Another theme that was talked was the supposed competition between fans of the band and Jonas Brothers: "Musicaly, we don't have nothing to do with them neather in terms of atitude, there is no possible competition, that's something media invented. In fact, we met Jonas in some occasion and they seemed really cool guys."
About the videoclips of their song Automatic, that they recorded some while ago, they revealed that all the footage was an adventure: "It was the biggest videpclip we ever did. We had to spent five days in South Africa, dying of cold, with no cellphone and sleeping in little houses".
For the last, the "slutty" note to Bill in the end of the press conference was when he was asked about his new hairstyle: "When it takes to draw my hairdo, i fix/inspire in the pubic hairs of Georg", and Georg answered: "So you will get bald, boy".
humanoid will be on stores in our country in October 6th.
Originally posted by Lrk_89: omg!! they are amazing!! and Tom was playing with the toy program xD
Hier ein Bild von den Toys der Show ^^
Tom unser Spielkind...muß immer was in den Fingern haben *gg*
Laut US Forum haben sie wohl ihre Kaulitz Soße gekocht... Ganz genau weiß ich es aber nicht... Ich hoffe, man kann die Sendnung bald gucken ohne das es vom Bildschirm abgefilmt ist ....
Ansonsten kann ich zu den Fotos nur eines sagen HOT ... Tom war ein bissl müde aber gut xDD
Ja, da fehlt bei mir immer ein Stückchen, Sassy. Weil ich Bilder nicnt mehr runterlade wg. Viren, sondern einen Screenshot mache und dann in meinem Bildprogramm abspeicher...