Hallo Habbo, Ja, Du hast richtig gelesen. Tokio Hotel kommen zu uns ins Hotel! Doch nicht nur das. Nachdem die vier Jungs inzwischen auch international Karriere gemacht haben gehen sie auch gleich auf Habbo Tournee!
Zum Release ihres neuen Albums Humanoid (erscheint am 2.10.09) werden Sie 5 Habbo Hotels in aller Welt besuchen, aber der Tourauftakt ist, wie es sich gehört, in Deutschland! Am Samstag den 26. September von 15:00 bis 15:45 werden sich Bill, Tom, Gustav und Georg im Theater euren Fragen stellen.
Wenn Du also eine der erfolgreichsten deutschen Bands treffen willst, dann schmeiss dich in Schale und halte dich bereit.
Nächste Woche gibt es noch ein paar exklusive VIP Badges für den Starchat zu gewinnen - So können die größten Fans auch garantiert dabei sein. Nachtrag: Das VIP Badge gibt es natürlich nur für die Dauer des Chats.
Das ist ein Chat und statt "Rooms" sind das halt "Hotels". Ist sehr schwierig da reinzukommen, wenn TH angekündigt sind, weil immer alles überlastet ist.
Frage 1: Warum wird humanoid auf Englisch und auf Deutsch Produziert? Tokio Hotel: Weil Deutsch immer zu ihnen gehören wird.
Frage 2: Bill, warum sind alle Lieber auf dem Album so traurig? Tokio Hotel: es sind nicht alle Songs traurig, ihr kennt ja noch nicht alle
Frage 3: Ein Habbo hat in der BRAVO gelesen das ihr nach Hollywood zieht. Stimmt das? Tokio Hotel: nein das Stimmt nicht.
Frage 4: Bill bist du jetzt Fallschirmgesprungen? Bill: nein - leider noch nicht, aber ich will das unbedingt noch machen
Frage 5: Wie seid ihr auf Automatisch gekommen, wer hatte die Idee? Tokio Hotel: Bill hatte die Idee im Auto. Wir sind danach direkt ins Studio gefahren und haben den Song aufgenommen.
Frage 6: Kommt ihr bald mal auf Tour? Viele Habbos würden euch gerne mal live erleben Tokio Hotel: Ja es gibt eine große Tour Anfang 2010
Frage 7: Haben sich mit der Zeit eure Beziehungen untereinander veränder? Mit dem ganzen Ruhm? Tokio Hotel: Ja, Georg ist jetzt nicht mehr ausschließlich in Tom verliebt ;-)
Frage 8: Ihr seid ja eine Band die acu ein bisschen polarisiert, wie geht ihr mit Kritik um? belastet euch das machmal? Tokio Hotel: Wir lachen darüber... sowas darf man einfach nicht an sich rankommen lassen.
Frage 9: is schonma was richtig schief gegangen auf der Bühne? Tokio Hotel: Bill hat sich mal eine Ecke vom Zahn mit dem Mikrophon ausgehauen
Frage 10: Gustav, wieso hast du dich entschieden eine Brille zu tragen und nicht mehr Kontaktlinsen? TOkio Hotel: Gustav hat nie Kontaktlinsen getragen, er findet nur das die Brille ihm steht, damit liegt er natürlich falsch (ich musste wiedersprechen XDD)
Frage 11: Habt ihr alle Songs des neuen Albums zuerst in deutsch oder ein paar erst auf englisch aufgenommen? Tokio Hotel: das war ganz unterschiedlich, wir haben die songs parallel zueinander geschrieben.
Frage 12: Was ist euer Lieblingslied vom neuem Album? habt ihr unterschiedliche? Alle: automatic/automatisch
Frage 13: habt ihr musikalische Vorbilder? Tokio Hotel: nein wir hatten nie musikalische Vorbilder. Wir hören privat alle unterschiedliche Musik.
Frage 14: habt ihr das Gefühl ihr habt euch musikalisch verändert? Mit dem neuem Album? Tokio Hotel: ja es sind ein paar neue Einflüsse dazu gekommen aber man hört ganz klar noch Tokio Hotel raus
Frage 15: kommt ihr auch nach Österreich? Griechenland? Tokio Hotel: Wir sind grade am planen - aber Österreich ist dabei wir sind am 09 oktober in Griechenland un freuen und schon drauf
Frage 16: Georg, hast du vor bei der neuen Tour mal wieder oben ohne zu spielen? Georg: nein eher unten ohne
Frage 17: Was sind eure lieblings Bands ausser euch selbst`? Tokio Hotel: black questionmark und Devilis Frage 18: ahh das hatte auch jemand gefragt ob ihr die kennt, das wär damit ja auch beantwortet
Frage 18: Wie seid ihr auf die Idee für das Automatisch Video gekommen? Tokio Hotel: wir hatten bei dem Song direkt das Gefühl das irgendwas mit autos passieren muss und wollten vorallem nicht schauspielern, darum hatten wir die Robotter Idee
Frage 19: Lieblingsessen? Tokio Hotel: Penne mit Tomaten-Sahne Sauce und Pizza
Frage 20: Wer von euch ist noch zu haben? Tokio Hotel: alle außer georch
kb nach Fehlern zu suchen xD aber das wars ^^
noch mehr infos: Alle waren gemutet außer die VIPs die konnten sich auch privat teilweise noch mit ihnen unterhalten was am Ende sogar geklappt hat Zunge raus Ab frage 3 (ca) ist es Wortwörtlich ^^
Fragen & Antworten Habbo-Chat Italien
Where are Georg and Gustav? Bill: They are here beside me.
How your songs are created? Bill: Each one of us has a personal connection with a certain song. That's why there isn't just a source, but many of them.
After you became famous, have you kept your old friendships? Bill: Yes, but we couldn't make any new friends. We don't have enough time.
Which kind of girl do you like? Bill: Every girl!
Have you ever fought for a girl? Bill: No. It never happened. No girl can come between us.
Which song will be your next single? Bill: We don't know yet.
Have you ever run into any obstacles in your career? TH: There is an obstacle every day - we just need to stay together. Without Tom we wouldn't be where we are now.
How was your first gig and how did you felt? Bill: It was just me and Tom. We were at a wedding. We were really nervous.
Do you have anything to teach to your fans? TH: We don't want to teach anything to anybody.
Now it's time to say goodbye. Bye to everybody and thanks for coming here. We'll be waiting for you in Piazza del Popolo tonight!
Q1: What was the name of your first band? TH: First name was Black Questionmark. And then Devilish.
Q2: Question mark was only 2 boys right? TH: Devilish in the beginning, then Georg & Gustav came.
Q3: Now how did you came up with the name Tokio Hotel? TH: We like big cities so Tokio Hotel sounded cool. Hotel because it's an international name. You understand it in every country.
Q4: So anything exciting that have happened since your last visit at the hotel? It's been bout 1,5 years since your last visit at the hotel I think :) TH: We had a cool concert in Rome yesterday, and it's one day less to the album-release now :)
Q5: Now is the album out in the US at the same time? Will it be released on the 2nd? TH: We hope yes - but we believe in America are always a few days after Europe.
The asker: I think I heard US would get it on the 6t. So yeah only like 4 days. TH: Yes for sure. With exclusive content on iTunes. Asker: Nice, I love iTunes.
Q6: Now a lot of habbos want to know about US dates? TH:
Q7: How was it making the recent album? Any favorite songs? TH: We have written and produced almost 1 year for this album. It took 1 year - quite a lot of work. Our currently favorite song is Automatic.
Q8: Automatic is the 1st single right? TH: Yes, it's the first single.
Now Georg & Tom cameup on stage too. Tom just waved.
Q9: Now a lot of habbos are wondering if you have any girlfriends? TH: We're all single accept for Georg. Asker: There you go ladies.
Q10: Now this is for Tom and Bill. How is it like to be twins? TH: It's awesome. We always travel with a soulmate. Asker: Can you finish each others thoughts? TH: Yes, we always feel and think the same every second.
(Now a lot of fans question are popping up, not sure what's going to happen.)
TH: We'd love to come to Australia and Japan.
Asker: Now when you guys plan tour dates. Where can we find the info?
TH: No we've never been to Hooters yet. We've had invitations but never made it yet.
Asker: Bill I got to ask... What's up with the hair? TH: It's very iconic.
TH: No we don't believe in ghosts but we hope aliens exist. Asker: Wow, a lots of mass questions.
TH: Our current favorite live song to perform with is Humanoid - the b-side of our single.
Asker: Still wanting to know what's up with the hair Bill? It's very iconic to you and the band.
TH: Yes, Bill got a new hair cut... (something like 'it's top secret :)' )
TH: Our highlights from 2008 was VMA and our US tour TH (about the hasselhoff question): Georg is still a fan and are longing for a new album soon.
TH: Yes, we could date a fan. Tom is doing it every day. TH: Being in a tour bus is boring because girls are not allowed in there. TH: We should stop being a band when someone of us quit. TH: By the way, we will have our 10th anniversary soon. TH: NO, no specific plans. we forgot the exact day so we don't know when to celebrate.
Bill: Gustav's hair is dark brown, not black. TH: Use every opportunity - play live as much as you can. send us your demos, maybe we can help you.
Asker: I think we're running out of time... is there anything you would like to say to the crowd? Before I let them floood on stage?
TH: rt (<--Typo.) TH: And don't forget: Humanoid s out soon. Asker: Well guys, I would really like to thank you for taking time of your Sunday. TH: come and hang out with us in the us. See you next tm!
Thanx to THA
Same Chat, but with more details I think?
TH: Hi All CrestHawk: So how is everyone Sunday morning? What was the name of your 1st band? TH: The name of our first band was black questionmark ;-) and then devilish (When asked if it was only the twins first:) TH: Devilish in the beginng - and then Gustav and Georg joined us. CH: Now how did you guys come up with the name Tokio Hotel? TH: we like big cities so we went for Tokio - and it sounds cool hotel because it's an international name you understand it in every country CH: So anything new and exciting happen since your last visit to our hotel? it's been about 1,5 years I think since the visit ;) TH: we had a cool concert for MTV in rome yesterday and it's one day less to the album relase now ;-) CH: Now the new album is it out in the US at the same time? Oct 2nd or do we get it on the 6th? TH: We hope yes - but we belive in America the releases are always a few days after Europe CH: I think I read that the US will get it on the 6th. so yah only like 4 days. Will the album be on iTunes? TH: Yes for sure - with ecxlusive content on itunes CH: Nice... I love iTunes... Now alot of Habbos want to know if you guys have any upcoming US tour dates? TH: we are currently planning the tour, but we are quite sure that we will include some dates in the US CH: How was it making the recent album? any favorite songs? TH: we have written and produced almost one year on the album it took a year - quite a lot of work our favourite song currently is Automatic CH: Automatic is the first single right? TH: Yes, it's the first single CH: Now a lot of the female Habbos out there want to know if you guys have girlfriends? TH: We are all single - apart from Georg CH: There you go ladies ;) lol now this is for Bill and Tom. What is it like being twins? TH: It's awesome - we always travel with a soulmate CH: Can you ever finish eachothers thoughts? TH: yes - always - we always feel and think the same every second
Then the Habbos have been released (saying come to my country, and ILY, and BS, and stupid questions :/), and TH only answered one: - we'd like to come to Australia and Japan
CH: Now when you guys plan tour dates. Where can we find out the info? TH (ignored the question): No, we haven't been to Hooters yet - we've had invitations already but never made it. CH: Bill I have to ask... What's with the hair? ;) it's very iconic TH (ignored the question): no we don't believe in ghots but we are hoping Aliens exist CH: Wow Lots of mass questions...
(that's BS, there was NO question just "come to my countryyyyyyyyy!" :/)
TH: our favorouite song currently to perform live is Humanoid- the b-side of our single CH: Still wanting to know whats up with the hair Bill? It's very iconic to you and to the band. TH (very long pause, feels like they didn't want to answer it): Yes, Bill's got a new haircut- but that's top secret ;-)
Habbos released once again (a stupid question kept coming back, like, every ten seconds, so annoying: "Bill did you miss the smell of hairspray with the dreads?"): (about David Hasselhoff:) TH: Georg is still a huge fan and he is hoping for a new album soon Q: Would you date a fan? TH: yes we would date a fan - Tom is doing it every day
TH: We would stop being a band when one of us quits by the way - we have our 10th anniversary soon Q: ? TH: no - no specific plans- we forgot the exact the day so we don't know when to celebrate (About Gustav's hair, I think:) TH: it's darkbrown - not black Q: ? TH: use every opportunity - play as much as live as you can! send us your demos- maybe we can help you CH: I think we are running to the end of our time Is there anything you guys would like to say to the crowd? Before I let them flood the stage? lol ;) TH: rt CH: ok flood the stage all TH: and don't forget- Humanoid for sale soon ;-) CH: Well guys I would really like to thank you for taking time out of your Sunday to come and hang out with us in the US... we really appreciate it ;) TH: Bye- see you next time CH: and GL on the album release and the future. :)