Ich habe ein bisschen Mühe mit der Einteilung im Presse-Thread. Ausserdem befürchte ich, dass ihr so irgendeinen Artikel nie mehr wiederfinden werdet.......
Und da ich ja hier einigen als Ordnungsfanatiker bekannt bin.... (wobei sich das im Moment nur auf TH bezieht und leider mangels Zeit nicht für meinen Haushalt gilt *grummel*)...... und ich künftig nicht noch mehr Zeit verlieren will, indem ich andauernd irgendwelche Artikel, Pic's Videos usw stundenlang suchen muss.... hier einige Vorschläge:
1. Wenn Presse separat abgelegt werden soll, würde ich z.B. Monats-Threads eröffnen und dann immer alles unter dem entsprechenden Monat posten.
2. Man könnte auch für jeden grösseren Artikel einen eigenen Thresd aufmachen und nur die Kleineren in die Monats-Threads stecken.
3. Das Thema gilt natürlich übergreifend für alle Bereiche......... (ja ja..... einige wissen jetzt schon, was kommt...... ) Mein persönliches Ei des Columbus: Für jeden Event, Gig oder was die Jungs sonst noch so treiben einen Thread aufmachen und dann dort alles, was dazu gehört, reinstecken..... Bilder, Videos, Reviews, Kommis, Artikel..... Und in diesem speziellen Fall (Stern-Bericht zur US-Tour) Thread aufmachen unter dem Namen "August 08 - US-Tour - Presse/I-Net" ..... da es ja einige Artikel gibt, die nicht einem einzelnen Gig zu zuordnen sind.
Ich will euch aber auf keinen Fall was aufzwingen !!! Das sind nur Ideen !!! Und vielleicht habt ihr andere Bedürfnisse oder andere Ideen !!! Und dann ist es für mich auch ok !!!
Ich kopiere den Text hier mal noch und schaue, wo ich das thema zur Diskussion stellen kann.....
Die Magdeburger Teenie-Band Tokio Hotel beendet ihre erste Amerika-Tour. Und hinterlässt ein Land, das den neuesten deutschen Export ebenso umarmt wie Heidi Klum und Hugo Boss. Nur der Name der Kapelle stösst im Land der unbegrenzten Tonleitern noch auf Stirnrunzeln.
Die Schlange vor dem ehrenwerten Fillmore Theater in San Francisco zog sich um drei Strassenblöcke. Kreischende Teenager hatten sich schon um sechs Uhr morgens angestellt, um die neue "German Pop Sensation" am Abend live miterleben zu können. "Ich finde Bill einfach total süss", sagt die 14j-jährige Jemma aus Palo Alto. Und ihre 13-jährige beste Freundin Stephanie brüllt völlig ungehemmt los, dass "Tokio Hotel die deutsche Antwort auf die Jonas Brothers ist".
Auch hier: Warteschlangen und hysterische Teenager So wie in San Francisco ging es den Magdeburger Jungs von Tokio Hotel in den letzten Wochen fast überall, wo sie auftraten. Ob Denver, Dallas, Las Vegas oder Houston. Hysterische Teenager, lange Warteschlangen, ausverkaufte Konzertsäle. Keine Frage, Deutschland hat endlich wieder einen Exportschlager, der nicht Heidi Klum, BMW oder Mercedes heisst.
Wusste die US-Presse am Anfang nicht so recht, ob es sich bei "Tokio Hotel" um ein japanisches Feriendomizil oder eine neue Artdeco-Bauweise handelt, so mussten die Kritiker schnell erkennen, dass die Teenie-Welt nicht nur auf Miley Cyrus, die Jonas Brothers oder Chris Brown schaut.
Anfang war eher schleppend "Ich war total überrascht, wie viele Fans sich vor MTV in New York versammelt hatten, nur um einen kleinen Blick von Tokio Hotel zu erhaschen", erzählt ABC-Entertainmentreporterin Monica de la Rosa. Und selbst Bill Kaulitz (18), der Frontman von TH muss zugeben, dass "wir mit einer solchen Resonanz wirklich nicht gerechnet hatten". Denn eigentlich hatte es gar nicht so gut angefangen für das Abenteuer "TH in Amerika". Die US-Fakten sahen düsterer aus als der Eyeliner von Metro-Human Kaulitz. Noch im Mai blieben die Billboard-Zahlen, sie messen die verkauften Tonträger in den USA, weit hinter den Erwartungen zurueck. Die vom TH-Management angepeilten eine Million verkaufter CDs schienen in sehr weite Ferne zu rücken.
Gerade einmal 16.000 CDs gingen im Mai über die Ladentische in den USA. Und das nach einer sehr aufwendigen PR-Attacke in New York und LA. Platz 39 in den laufenden Charts. Hinter so unbekannten Künstlern wie Rick Ross und Michael Bublé. Frühlingserwachen und Zeit für einen Reality-Check.
Harte Arbeit Nun kommt der Erfolg in den USA sicherlich nicht über Nacht. Das wissen auch Stars wie Miley Cyrus oder Rihanna. Und irgendwie scheint auch Frontman Kaulitz geahnt zu haben, dass das Abenteuer nicht so einfach werden würde, wie angedacht: "Es ist sehr schwierig, Fans in anderen Ländern zu gewinnen", sagte er mit schwerem deutschen Akzent im englischen Interview. Und weiter: "Amerika ist so gross, da ist es ganz schwer, bekannt zu werden." Aber Tokio Hotel hat das gute deutsche Stehvermögen mit über den Atkantik gebracht. Konzert auf einem Parkplatz in New Jersey? Wird gemacht. Auftritt im heute eher unwichtigen Avalon in Los Angeles, warum nicht?
Und jetzt die erste organisierte Tour. Zwölf Konzerte in drei Wochen. Ein Mamut-Programm, das unterstützt wurde durch ein tägliches Update auf der Website der Band. Ohnehin scheint Tokio Hotel durch dieses virale Marketing-Konzept schnell ein globales Publikum gefunden zu haben. Sagt auch Kaulitz: "Es ist wichtig, dass wir durchs Internet neue Fans dazugewinnen."
Wenige Deutsche schaffen's über den großen Teich Und was finden die Amerikaner so spannend an den Popmusikern aus Magdeburg? "Sie sind das Gegenmittel zu den Jonas Brothers", fasst Entertainment-Kritiker Bob Strauss von der Los Angeles Daily News zusammen. Der schwarze Eyeliner, die lackierten Fingernaegel, "das hat was von Revolution, von Aufstand", sagt Beatrice (14) aus Los Angeles. "Endlich mal was anderes, als diese glattgebürsteten Stars, die in der Disney-Maschine produziert werden", fügt Tom (15) aus Santa Rosa hinzu. Bisher hatten deutschsprachige Bands wie übrigens auch Schauspieler traditionell einen sehr schweren Stand in den USA. Nena, die Scorpions und die Band Rammstein sind noch heute die einzigen Gesangsacts, die von der Fan-Basis anerkannt werden. Deutsche Schauspiel-Stars wie Till Schweiger oder auch Franka Potente haben ihr Glück in Hollywood versucht und sind letztendlich kläglich gescheitert und murrend davongezogen.
MTV-Nominierung Erste Anerkennung von der amerikanischen Musikindustrie ist auch zu spüren. Tokio Hotel nämlich wurde mit ihrem Musikvideo zu dem Song "Ready, Set, Go!" ("Übers Ende der Welt") in der Kategorie "Bestes Pop-Video" fuer die anstehenden MTV Video Music Awards (9.September, Los Angeles) nominiert. "Eine total coole Auszeichnung fuer uns", schwärmte Sänger Bill Kaulittz nach der Bekanntgabe durch MTV.
Egal, wie es auch weitergeht für Tokio Hotel, die Eindrücke einer spektakulären Amerika-Tour nehmen alle vier mit nach Hause. "Es war wie ein Traum", sagt Tom Kaulitz. Und sein Zwillingsbruder fügt leise hinzu: "Amerika ist irre. Dieses Abenteuer werde ich niemals vergessen".
und gustav redet 2 sätze am ende und ein am anfang, und Georg sagt, Georg, und nicht George, hehe :gruebel1
Tokio Hotel: The Latest German Export Long-Haired Rockers Are the Antidote to the Jonas Brothers By MONICA DE LA ROSA Aug. 27, 2008
Move over Heidi Klum and Hugo Boss. The new ambassadors of German popular culture have arrived in the United States, but they're not what you'd expect.
This German band is gaining popularity in the United States. Tokio Hotel may sound like a new Japanese resort, but it's actually a group of four rocker guys whose singer is often mistaken for a girl but is actually the identical twin of the dreadlock-haired guitarist. Puzzled yet? The band scored two No. 1 albums in its native Germany, and yet most of the band members aren't even old enough to legally drink here.
Tokio Hotel's sharp rise to fame, from playing school concerts and weddings a few years ago in its hometown of Magdeburg, a hundred miles southwest of Berlin, to currently selling out venues in New Jersey, San Francisco and Chicago, can arguably be seen as Internet-driven. The band has amassed a frenzied fan base of mostly young women who take the title of the band's first English album, "Scream," seriously -- by doing just that at a mere glimpse of the band.
Wendy is a young fan from Brooklyn, N.Y., but jokingly claims, "Ich bin ein Deutsch!" She thinks the band is "hot," but also found the music to be so powerful it "can bring tears" to her eyes. "Tokio Hotel ist der beste!," says Doris, 18, who says she is learning German because of her interest in the band.
I've spent over $600 this past week for all the tickets I just bought and the traveling I have to do," said Kiila, a 20-year-old student who plans to attend as many concerts as she can on the band's tour through North America this month. She spent four days hanging around Times Square near MTV's studio in the hopes of meeting the band, which recently hosted the network's show "TRL."
Like the launch of some resplendent blitzkrieg, Tokio Hotel is eager to conquer American shores. Its success abroad draws comparisons here as the "Jonas Brothers of Germany" -- if the Jonas Brothers were a long-haired, sexually ambiguous-looking act, blending genres from pop to glam rock to hip-hop.
Tattooed lead singer Bill Kaulitz, 18, is rarely seen without black eye makeup and with his hair, also dyed black, styled in a gravity-defying lion's mane. Born in the Internet and video game era, he already seems astutely aware of the power of the visual, and credits the Internet with the band's breakthrough outside Germany. "Especially as newcomers, it's really important to have the Internet, where people can talk about you and listen to your music," he said in accented English. When thousands of fan Web sites, blogs and YouTube postings began sprouting up worldwide, its record company noticed.
"The fans outside of Germany send us e-mails, they come together and shoot a video or something, and they say please come to wherever, Israel, whereever," Kaulitz said. So the band did -- not only Israel , but France, Italy, Switzerland, Russia and other countries, often selling out stadiums and fulfilling a kind of prophecy of the band's chosen name -- which band members changed from "Devilish" in 2005 -- which evokes their love of foreign destinations.
"It was always our dream to travel the world and play in big cities and ...," Kaulitz starts to say before his twin, Tom, chimes in, "and to stay in good hotels!"
Although the two often complete each other's thoughts, Tom Kaulitz, who plays lead guitar, prefers the almost opposite look of his sibling -- baggy clothes, a sports cap around blond dreads and a lip piercing. Drummer Gustav Schäfer and bass-guitarist Georg Listing complete the four-member band.
Adoration: From Internet to Miles-Long Fan Letter Several female fans admit to first being intrigued by the band's looks and mash-up styles, but insist they became hooked, some even obsesses, when listening to the songs. In Germany, the band is a household name, and girls stalk its recording studio, hiding with cameras behind bushes. Pieces of the Kaulitz twins' former school bus stop were auctioned off last week on eBay for thousands of euros (no bids though). The quartet once received a fan letter that was more than 7 miles long. (They didn't read the whole thing.)
The Goethe Institute claims increasing interest in its German language classes because of the band, especially in its Paris branch. The San Francisco office organized a concert ticket giveaway earlier this year, and deputy director Anna Weber said in one day without any promotion "we got 80 to 120 e-mails. We got so many phone calls, you have no idea. We thought they were unknown here."
The Internet has made it easy for fans to chat and share stories with others around the world who share their passion. After a concert ends, girls post videos and pictures from their cameras and phones capturing the band's performances, it seems, from every possible angle.
The boys have mastered the quality of being exotic, and yet approachable, online. They make video appeals for fans' award votes and post weekly "Tokio Hotel TV" Web episodes as a way "to take the fans with us." The band was stopped only momentarily in March, when it had to cancel several concerts so Bill Kaulitz could have surgery to remove a cyst on his vocal chords.
These teenage rockers are becoming accustomed to the idea of growing up in front of the eyes of a 24/7 media world. "Our whole life changed from one day to another," Kaulitz said. "We have so much inspiration. It's everywhere. ... So I always have a pen with me and a laptop, and I write everything down." The band has started to work on its new album, which it will release in German and English. The band writes and plays its own music but is helped by a team of four producers. "We are like a big family," Kaulitz said.
That family seems to have landed on a winning combination of lyrics laced with "emo" angst, wrapped in a flamboyant pop-rock package. It's PG-rated but still edgy enough for younger fans. Songs range from catchy pop anthems to anti-suicide messages to appealing rock ballads. Tokio Hotel seems to straddle the line between boy band fad and hopeful rock icons, but where it will eventually end up is unpredictable.
Tokio Hotel Vs. Miley Cyrus "Scream" landed in U.S. stores in May and peaked at No. 39 on the Billboard 200, selling quite a bit less below the multiplatinum status the band achieved in Europe, but you wouldn't know it by the Internet hype. This month fans voted online to give Tokio Hotel two MTV Video Music Award nominations for best new artist and best pop video, pitting the band against best-selling artists like Miley Cyrus and Britney Spears. "We think we have no chance, but it's just great being nominated," Bill Kaulitz said.
Right now, the band is just awestruck at the attention they are getting in America. "The fans voted so much for us, it's a great feeling," Tom Kaulitz said. "It's really a big deal for a German band to have the chance to go to the U.S."
One would have to go back almost a generation when a German band last achieved huge crossover success in America. In the 1980s. The Scorpions topped the charts with songs like "Rock You Like a Hurricane" and artist Nena scored big with her Cold War-era protest song "99 Luftballoons." Incidentally, watching Nena as a child was what inspired Bill Kaulitz to become a singer, he said.
But for every "next big thing," there can be an eventual backlash. "I don't really want them to get really famous here," posted "Isabella" on Tokio Hotel's U.S fan site. "Getting big also brings about the question of them losing sight of their German culture."
As fans grow, so do "haters" of the band, who create and upload anti-Tokio Hotel videos and Web pages. The Internet has other dangerous downsides. Recently in France, a young man was arrested for allegedly posing as Bill Kaulitz in chat rooms, convincing young girls to send him naked pictures, which he then posted on the Web. The band says it doesn't have personal accounts like MySpace, other than its official Web sites, just for this reason.
But most of the fans simply want to concentrate on the good stuff, like one young brunette who waited on a New York City street to see the band when it visited. She is crying but smiling, her teeth lined in braces. "I got Bill's autograph. .... I got their autograph, and I love them!" she cried, wiping tears from her eyes with neon-polished fingertips, just another uber-happy Tokio Hotel fan.
America meet Tokio Hotel. The gender-bending emo-pop rockers are headed up by eighteen-year-old German twins Bill and Tom Kaulitz, whose looks are identical but whose styles couldn’t be more different. “We hate people telling us to wear this and that,” says guitarist Tom, who favors dreads, baggy jeans, and a carefully skewed baseball cap. “Sometimes at a photo shoot they try to style this hair,” singer Bill says, pointing to his hedgehog-like coiffure, “but no one knows how.” His secret? “Hair spray. A lot.” Between the hair and emotive vocals–not to mention the piercings, tattoos, and rock-chic clothes–it’s easy to see how Bill has become the object of many a teenage crush. And despite their varied senses of style, the Kaulitzes say their twin telepathy provides a shared vision of their goals for the future. “Be successful in America!” Tom says. Adds Bill, with a grin: “And play in Tokyo.”
Wonder Twins Having already sold more than 5 million albums worldwide, Tokio Hotel is poised to conquer America with their grunge-inflected emo rock (and a whole lot of extra-hold product).
Tokio Hotel in America Yes! Tokio Hotel are in the USA. All of us at Cherrytree Records have been eagerly awaiting the group's return to America since their special show at the Avalon in LA (the subject of this month's "Cherrytree House" episode at http://www.thecherrytreehouse.com). Recently, their video for "Monsoon" has been holding it down on MTV's TRL and the band themselves are making an appearance on the show this week. I'm excited that they're back and kicking off a US tour that'll see them playing in Detroit, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Dallas, Denver, Chicago, Annaheim and St. Paul among other American cities (check out the complete itinerary in the news section at http://www.cherrytreerecords.com). I'm going to be in New York for their MTV performance tomorrow. I love seeing Tokio Hotel. The band always puts on a great show and, one-on-one, the guys are super friendly and funny. They're very witty and have a sharp since of humor. Both their music and their jokes keep me on my toes! Go Tokio Hotel. Here we go!
Lovin' Tokio Hotel? We are too! Which is why, beginning August 8th, we're going to launch a VERY cool 10 Days with Tokio Hotel package that will give lucky readers the chance win cool merchandise, read exclusive blogs by the band and lots more.
Also, the band is stoked to be able to answer YOUR questions. Just send us one (or 20) for Tom, Bill, Gustav or Georg, we'll send 'em along to them and post their answers in a few weeks!
Get creative, the wackier the Q, the more likely the A!
Hi guys it's Bill! It's been a pretty busy summer since our last stay here in the U.S.! We performed at tons of festivals all over Europe but now we are back in the States and the first thing I have to say is: THANK YOU so much for all your support these last few days. Being nominated at the MTV VMAs was really unbelievable for us! Your votes made this happen and we're totally blown away - it's sooo exciting!
But let's have a look at what has happened so far in America: We had a great start in NYC where we spent most of our first week at MTV's TRL, which was pretty cool.
Then, on Thursday night we had the kick off gig for our American concert run in New Jersey. The whole concert was wicked and we had an awesome time with all the fans!
After the New Jersey show we boarded our tour bus to head to Montreal, Canada where we performed at a festival and then it was already time to come back to the U.S.!
Actually, right now we are on our way to Cleveland and we'll be spending all of August touring in the States so make sure to check our concert dates. We hope to see all of you guys at one of our shows!
Oh, the other three guys just told me to say "Hi" from them! Take care and hope to see you soon!
Tag 4:
Georg is not only cute and talented but FUNNY!
Name: Georg Age: 21 Sign: Aries Date of Birth: March 31, 1987 Birthplace: Halle, Germany What’s the first thing I do every morning? Brush my teeth. Favorite dish: Anything that includes chicken! Must-Visit Website: I love our YouTube channel – http://www.YouTube.com/TokioHotel About my tattoos: I don’t have one yet but I have been thinking about getting one for ages… Junk food I love: Hot Dogs When I try to eat healthy I pick: Rice My childhood celebrity crush was: I always had a crush on Tom…okay, you know I’m kidding Recently I was surprised by: Our nominations for the MTV Video Music Awards 2008 – totally wicked!!! The cereals in my cupboard are: Fruit Cereal Heaven on earth is: Just being at home. For dinner I like to make: Pasta – pretty much all the time My coolest article of clothing: My brown leather jacket. When friends come over we: …go out for dinner. Before I die I want to: …say “Goodbye” to my family & friends. When I’m on tour I have to have: …my Scrubs DVD collection with me. People would be surprised that I am: …actually a pretty nice guy If someone gave me a million bucks tomorrow I'd: …take my friends and family on vacation until we blew all the money!
Tag 5
Name: Bill Age: 18 Sign: Virgo Date of Birth: September 1, 1989 Birthplace: Leipzig, Germany What’s the first thing I do every morning? Take a shower. Favorite dish: Pasta! Must-Visit Website: I don’t have one in particular but check out http://www.Tokiohotel-US.com Favorite TV Show these days: Scrubs. About my tattoos: I have three. The first one is on the back of my neck and it shows the Tokio Hotel logo. The next one is a star which I designed myself and I have it tattooed in my lower stomach area. The last one is on my left arm and it says “Freiheit 89”. The word “Freiheit” is German and in English it means “Freedom”. I basically got this tattoo because freedom has always been the most important thing to me. The number 89 is included because that’s the year I was born. This last tattoo I got on my 18th birthday which is a very special one in Germany – when you turn 18 you are officially an adult so you can do whatever you like…..you’re finally free! Junk food I love: Pizza. When I try to eat healthy I pick: Salad. My childhood celebrity crush was: Nena (German singer). Recently I was surprised by: Our performance in New Jersey. The cereal in my cupboard: Corn Flakes. Heaven on earth is: A deserted island. For dinner I like to make: Noodles with ketchup, cream & mustard. My coolest article of clothing: The jacket I designed for our European tour. When friends come over we: Watch DVDs. Before I die I want to: Play the biggest show ever! When I’m on tour I have to have: My 10 suitcases! People would be surprised that I am: Such a family guy. If someone gave me a million bucks tomorrow I'd: Go on a REALLY long vacation!
Tag 6
Name: Tom Age: 18 Sign: Virgo Date of Birth: September 1, 1989 Birthplace: Leipzig, Germany What’s the first thing I do every morning? Ask myself: oh, who’s that nice girl next to me Favorite dish: Pasta, Pasta & Pasta! Must-Visit Website: There is none in particular for me – I just randomly surf the web. Must-Watch TV Show: Scrubs – most hilarious show ever! About my tattoos: Don’t have any – it’s up to Bill & Gustav to deal with that! Junk food I love: Pizza When I try to eat healthy: I go for vegetable sushi and sliced fruit….water melon and pineapple are awesome! My childhood celebrity crush was: I used to watch Baywatch and had an eye on Pamela in her red swimsuit! Recently I was surprised by: When Georg said: “No we can’t go to the airport directly, we have to stop at the hotel first since I want to take a shower ” The cereals in my cupboard are: Cornpops! Heaven on earth is: A day off. For dinner I like to make: Depends on who is with me. If it’s a date I prefer a fancy candlelight dinner but if I’m hanging out with Bill I would order some Pizza and say “look what I just made for you”! My coolest article of clothing: My caps. When friends come over we: Have tons of stuff to talk about! We also like going clubbing or just hanging out like everyone else! Before I die I want to: Have an intense and intelligent conversation with Jessica Alba! When I’m on tour I have to have: Our fans in front of the stage. People would be surprised that I: Love to take care of my family! If someone gave me a million bucks tomorrow I'd: Probably not be a more happy person than I am right now! Money isn’t everything in life!!
Tag 7
Name: Gustav Age: 19 Sign: Virgo Date of Birth: September8, 1988 Birthplace: Magdeburg, Germany What’s the first thing I do every morning? Have breakfast! Favorite dish: Ribs with boiled potatoes plus carrots & peas on the side! About my tattoos: I’ve have tattoos in two spots - first one is on my upper back. It shows two wings and in between them there is a sword and a laurel twig that cross. My second tattoo is a shooting star, which I have on my right arm. Junk food I love: Cheeseburgers. When I try to eat healthy: Bananas. My childhood celebrity crush was: Carmen Electra. Recently I was surprised by: The way my destiny worked out! The cereals in my cupboard are: I don't eat cereal at all. Heaven on earth is: My family. For dinner I like to make: Potato casserole. My coolest article of clothing: My Air Max Nikes. When friends come over we: Watch movies. Before I die I want to: Have climbed Mt. Everest. When I’m on tour I have to have: My laptop and mobile phones with me. If someone gave me a million bucks tomorrow I'd: Buy a beautiful house for my family and myself!
Tag 8
Tom's Tour Blog
Welcome everyone to “Tom’s blog”!
Yes, we are finally back on tour! We are travelling from city to city on our bus, meeting so many of our awesome fans and have had some wicked shows so far. Since it’s our first real tour in the States and Canada there has seriously been a lot in store for us. So far we visited New York, New Jersey, Montreal and Cleveland. Let me tell you, each of the shows we played so far has been really special in it’s own way. And we are sooo excited to be nominated at the MTV VMAs for “Best Pop Video” and “Best New Artist” thanks to all our fans!
The kick off for our concert run in New Jersey went surprisingly well, which worries me a little. Usually during the first show something goes wrong but this time everything was so smooth! Well, obviously Georg missed some notes but that happens all the time (lol!).
On our way to Montreal it looked like our smooth run would come to an end...we had to wait at the Canadian border for ages since there was a Greyhound bus ahead of us and the officers searched every little bit of it – they even checked all the clothes the people brought with them in their suitcases. Luckily when it was our turn, the officers took it easy – they let us pass without taking our bus apart. Security checks and border controls are definitely not my thing… I just don’t have the very best experience with them!
In Montreal (to be precise, in Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu) we performed at an awesome festival with about twenty thousand people. The weather was great and throughout the whole day all kinds of different hot-air balloons rose to the sky. The coolest one of them looked like the head of Darth Vader and I would have loved to be on board that one! But we stayed on the ground and performed a show, which was great – all the fans sang along to each of the songs with us…just amazing!
After the show we had a quick stopover at the hotel where we took a shower (yes, Georg did too) and then it was time to get on the tour bus to travel overnight to Cleveland. On the bus we played video games. We played a guitar playing challenge and obviously I beat all the other guys – what a surprise!
After that I went to sleep and woke up the next day in Cleveland where it was really sunny…at least in the morning. Pretty much the rest of the day it rained so we spent most of the day (it was an off day) watching DVDs. Gustav also had a little excursion to Lake Erie and when he came back he was soaking wet - not because he jumped in the lake but because it started to rain so hard!
Let me tell you guys, it’s pretty exciting to be on tour in North America – so many new things to explore. It’s great to be here and I’m looking forward to seeing YOU at one of the concerts soon.
Thanks for all your support at all the concerts so far and also at the MTV VMAs where you all made it possible for us to be nominated TWICE....that’s just unbelievable. Please keep on voting for us as “Best New Artist” Take care! Tom
Enter to win tix to see the band (and say "hi"at a meet & greet!)Want some super-cool tour merchandise that's been signed by the band? Well, we just happen to have some!
Just click -----------------------------
Teen mag Day 10
Bill's Tour Blog - Part 2
Hi everyone! Today we had a day off in Chicago and it was gorgeous. But let’s start from the beginning – at the Detroit show and the Oakland signing session at Hot Topic. Well, the show in Detroit was awesome since the venue there was really beautiful and the fans were just incredible…we couldn’t ask for anything better!
the day after the show we departed on our tour bus for Oakland where we met our fans in one of the Hot Topic stores in a mall. The employees at the store were at least as astounded as we at how many fans came out to the signing – it was huge!
To me these signing sessions are always something very special because we get to meet the fans face-to-face and hear so many of their stories, they tell us what moves them and also share their feelings. This is truly inspirational and I get so many ideas for our new songs from that – thanks so much for all of that!
after the in-store we headed towards Chicago. Georg and Tom talked pretty much the whole way about the fans…like who was the sweetest girl or whose number they’d love to have – such dreamers they are sometimes! A highlight on the drive to Chicago was a stop at one of the supermarkets! The bus dropped us right in front of the entrance and I have to tell you: I love these gigantic supermarkets – they just have everything you want, including my favourite sweets, all the fruit you can dream of and even birdhouses – seriously, they carry birdhouses… crazy! On top of that they didn’t even have a cashier – all I bought I had to scan myself at a station where I also had to pay…but you’ll get all the inside scoop about this little supermarket adventure on Tokio Hotel TV soon!
Shortly thereafter we finally arrived in Chicago where we had a day off! As usual we slept in really late but I also wanted to explore the city, which is why we got up particularly early - at 3pm. Gustav had already gone out long before and Georg refused to get up so I had to bug Tom until he finally said he would join me to check out the city! Downtown Chicago was gorgeous – the sun was shining and it had this summer flair that put everyone in a great mood! Chicago as a city seems just perfect – it was a mix of these huge buildings like you see in NYC and the summer flair you experience in L.A., which is basically a perfect mix! Tom and I grabbed a coffee and pretty much explored the city for the rest of the day – Tom was like a tourist the whole time since he took pictures of everything. At the end of the day we visited a cool restaurant on the beach and enjoyed the sunset while having dinner…absolutely WICKED day!!!
TH answers YOUR questions! A few weeks ago on teenmag, we asked you to send us questions you wanted to band to answer. We got thousands and, here is the first batch of queries submitted by fans like you - along with their answers!
1. How did you get in to music? (Lysa Thompson, Sioux Falls, SD) Bill: We all started really early. Tom and I started when we were about seven. Back then it was only the two of us. Tom got into playing the guitar because of our step dad and I really wanted to sing – I was always too lazy to learn an instrument . We started writing our own songs and performed wherever we could – at weddings, birthday parties and little clubs. Gustav: I started playing the drums when I was about five. I always used to drum with my fingers on everything that came along - so my parents decided to give it a real try and got me lessons. Georg: I was in high school when my friends decided to start a band. They where looking for a bass player and I thought “That’s pretty cool, I can do that”…so that’s how I started.
2. You've just been nominated for Best Pop Video at the MTV VMA's. How does it feel to be gaining so much success here in the U.S.? (Alison Luedke, Oswego, IL) Bill: Oh my god, it is sooooo amazing and we’re all so excited. This is something we didn’t dare to dream of! Tom: We all freaked out when we received the great news. Our fans are really amazing and we can’t believe that they made this happen for us.
3. Why did you pick Tokio Hotel to be your new band name? (Anita Morales, Rockwall, TX) Tom: That happened a few years ago. We decided to look for a new band name when we started to work in the studio – so it must’ve been at least five years ago. That was a really new beginning for us and we wanted to start with a name that really fit us.
4. Bill, what is your favorite song that you wrote? (Alexis Snyder, Saxton, PA) Bill: That’s really hard and I can’t actually pick one ‘cause every song has a special meaning to me and is personal. But if I had to I probably would choose “Live Every Second” - that’s one of the first songs I wrote. I was eight or nine back then.
5. Were the four of you always interested in music? (Saadya Philyor, Saint Petersburg, FL) Bill: Yes, music has always been what we all wanted to do. We put all our time and energy in music. During the week we went to school and on the weekends we played wherever we could. What we are doing today is all we ever wanted. And I can’t even imagine what I would have become besides a singer. Tom: Hmmm, if I wasn’t a musician I would probably work at the playboy mansion as Hugh Hefner’s personal assistant. (lol) Georg would work as construction worker and do a lot of body building in his free time and Gustav would be a trucker!
6. Tom: Is it true that you still have your teddy bear? (Jen Ii, Sandefjord, int, NO) > Tom: You must be talking about Georg. He has his one with him all the time. And guess what name he gave him?? Tom!!! Georg: Ohhhhhh sure….
7. What do you like to do during your free time?? (Anetia Jones, Norfolk, VA) Bill: Sleep! We sleep in as long as possible. Tom: If nobody wakes me up I sleep ‘till the afternoon. Georg: Yeah, sleeping, eating, sleeping again, watching DVDs and going to bed Bill: Gustav is a little different – he’s really an early bird. Gustav: Yes, I wake up quiet early and then I like to meet friends, ride my bike, do all kinds of sports and spend time with my family.
8. Did any of you guys have imaginary friends when you were younger and if so, what were their names? (Kendall Green-Grouse, Halifax, NS, CA) All (laughing): NO! Tom (laughing): Well, to tell you a secret: Georg has some imaginary friends and they might be his only ones besides us…
9. Where do you see yourself in ten years? (Kim Leblanc, St-Paul de Joliette, QC, CA) Bill: Hopefully on stage!
All: Yes!Bill: We really want to do this as long as possible – till we’re old and gray 10. Which part of the world that have you visited have you liked the most? (Crissy Stubbs, Douglas, GA) Bill: Ohhh, that’s a hard one…! Each and every single country has it’s own nice and special qualities, they are all very different and hard to compare! Tom: In Russia there are the best parties. Georg: We all love Italian food – so Italy is great as well. Gustav: Yeah, and the French have such a sweet accent “Guestaw”… Bill: We also love America! The food, N.Y. , L.A., the weather is so great, and as we are traveling through the middle of the country now we are learning that there are lots of amazing places to discover, it’s just awesome! Tom: I have to say, there are hot girls everywhere, I wanna meet them all! But we are always happy to come home once in a while to be with our families and friends, that is so important!
Gleich vorweg zwei Sachen…boah, ich bin alt und mein Sohn (wenn ich einen hätte) würde nicht solche Haare haben….kleiner Scherz, aber die sind echt hoch die Haare.
So, und nun zum Tokio Hotel Konzert in San Francisco am heutige Abend. Die Jungs aus Magdeburg spielten im legendären Fillmore. An gleicher Stelle, wo schon alle namhaften Künstler des Musikbusiness live spielten…Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Grateful Dead, Bob Dylan, Tom Petty…und nun hängt eben auch das Tourposter von Tokio Hotel an der bunten Wand.
Und man muss sagen, Tokio Hotel haben den Laden ganz schön zum Wackeln gebracht. Schon Stunden vorher standen die zumeist jungen, weiblichen Fans in der Schlange und fieberten dem Auftritt entgegen. Bevor der Vorhang fiel, meinten die Rowdies, sie müssten mal ein bisschen Aufklärungsarbeit in Sachen Rock einspielen und ballerten AC/DC und Aerosmith in den Raum. Doch das hätten sie sich sparen können, denn die vier Deutschrocker wissen ganz gut, was eine richtige Rockharke ist.
Und dann war kein Halten mehr…vor der Bühne war der Teufel los. Dazu wildes und ohrenbetäubendes Gekreische…es ging los…und Tokio Hotel rockten den Saal. Die vier Magdeburger hatten ihr Publikum fest im Griff. Bis auf die Zugabe “Durch den Monsun” wurden alle Songs in Englisch gesungen. Der war auch schon im Programm in Englischer Sprache der Höhepunkt des Abends und wurde von einem kreischenden Mädchenchor begleitet.
Die Show war perfekt, die Stimmung grandios und am Ende konnte man sagen, diese Promotion-Tour für Tokio Hotel geht voll auf. Sänger Bill kündigte schon mal von der Bühne aus an, dass die Band bald zurück in San Francisco sein wird. Und sogar ich, der mit AC/DC, Uriah Heep und Rainbow aufgewachsen bin, war am Ende von dieser jungen Band überzeugt, die wirklich eine Klasse Show im Fillmore abzogen.
Vor dem Konzert hatte ich die Möglichkeit mit Tokio Hotel zu sprechen und es war eines der angenehmsten und für mich überraschendsten Interviews, die ich je führen konnte. Obwohl die vier allen Grund hätten, abgehoben und genervt von weiteren Journalistenfragen zu sein, waren sie freundlich, höflich und nett, sehr offen, ehrlich und auf dem Boden der Tatsachen. Aber, hören Sie selbst….
[size=18]Die Jungs sind so toll normal geblieben .........sie sind einfach die besten!!!
Onerva von tha hat das ganze irgendwie gerippt..... zum herunterladen..... und immer wieder hören.......
TOKIO HOTEL IN SAN FRANCISCO Kaulitze im Kindergarden Von Susanne Amann, San Francisco
Scream! Scream! Scream! Die Teenie-Band Tokio Hotel drängt auf den US-Markt, tourt durchs Land - und beweist in einem legendären Club San Franciscos vor allem eines: dass pubertäres Kreischen die einzig wahre Weltsprache dieser Tage ist.
Das Flair hat sich gehalten, aller Veränderung zum Trotz. Die Gegend rund um die Fillmore Street Ecke Geary ist immer noch ein wenig schäbig. Dunkle Hauseingänge wechseln sich ab mit kleinen heruntergekommenen Läden, Neonreklamen bewerben Fastfood-Restaurants, vor denen Obdachlose um ein paar Cent für ein Bier betteln. Über allem leuchtet ein einsamer, gelber Schriftzug von dem Gebäude mit der Nummer 1805 - "Fillmore".
Hier, im legendären Fillmore Auditorium in San Francisco, wurde der Blues wiederentdeckt. Hier haben die Großen gespielt: B.B. King, The Who, Santana, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, The Doors, Aretha Franklin und viele mehr. Das allerdings ist lange vorbei, und jetzt treten hier jene auf, die groß werden wollen.
Oder noch größer.
So wie Tokio Hotel, jene deutsche Teenie-Band aus der Nähe von Magdeburg, die sich gerade anschickt, mit ihren ins Englisch übersetzten Erfolgsmelodien die Herzen der US-Teenager zu erobern. Mit eher schlichten Liedzeilen wie "Turn around, I am here" oder "We are here tonight, leave the world aside" wollen sie Mädchen hier genauso zum Kreischen bringen wie zu Hause.
Im Mai erreichte das erste englischsprachige Album "Scream" Platz fünf der US-Rockcharts und brachte selbst das gediegene Musikmagazin "Rolling Stones" ins Schwärmen: "Diese Typen sind die größte deutsche Bubblegum-Neo-Glam-Goth-Emo-Boyband. Aller Zeiten."
Das war nicht mal ironisch gemeint. Wirkliche Hilfe aber kam vom Musiksender MTV, der nicht nur eine Fanwoche einlegte, sondern die Hit-Single "Ready, set, go" auch gleich in zwei Kategorien für die MTV Video Music Awards nominierte. Braucht man mehr, um Teenagerherzen höher schlagen zu lassen?
Und so stehen die Fans an diesem Dienstagabend weit über die nächsten Blocks hinaus in der Schlange, bis sie in kleinen Grüppchen ins "Fillmore" gelassen werden, zum Konzert von Tokio Hotel.
Ganz vorne in der Reihe steht Cathleen, die seit einer Woche in einem Hostel um die Ecke ausgeharrt hat, um einen der besten Plätze zu ergattern. "Ich habe die Band im Internet zum ersten Mal gehört, da wusste ich gar nicht, dass sie aus Deutschland kommt", sagt die 15-Jährige. Nachgelesen hat sie das dann bei Wikipedia - und die Jungs umso mehr ins Herz geschlossen: "Dass die in zwei Sprachen singen, beeindruckt mich. Sie führen die Welt damit zusammen, und das ist gut", sagt sie mit einer pathetischen Ernsthaftigkeit, die so gar nicht zu ihrem Bekenntnis passt, "unsterblich in Bill verliebt" zu sein.
"San Francisco is beautiful"
Sänger Bill Kaulitz, 18, sehe aus wie eine japanische Zeichentrick-Version von Christian Siriano - dem jüngsten Gewinner der Talent-Show "Project Runaway", schrieb die "New York Times" im Februar. Und fügte an, die US-Fans sollten bitte nicht für eine "Goth-Punk-Boy-Band" durchdrehen, "angeführt von sexy Androgynen mit spektakulär frisiertem Haar".
Warum eigentlich nicht? Immerhin bliebe es dann nicht mehr an Rammstein, das Deutschlandbild in den USA zu prägen.
Im Durchdrehen stehen die US-Fans den deutschen jedenfalls in nichts nach. Als Tokio Hotel um kurz nach neun die Bühne betritt, bricht ein ohrenbetäubendes Kreischkonzert los - als nähmen die Fans den Albumtitel "Scream" wörtlich. Die Eltern, in nicht unbedeutender Anzahl anwesend, wirken gequält und scheinen erst erleichtert, als ihre Kinder dazu übergehen, jede Liedzeile mitzusingen.
Objekt der Hysterie ist - wie in Deutschland - Sänger Bill Kaulitz, der die ersten drei Songs so routiniert wie wenig mitreißend präsentiert. Erst nach dem dritten Lied begrüßt er das Publikum mit den wenig einfallsreichen Sätzen "Hi everybody, how are you tonight?" und "San Francisco is beautiful!"
Das bringt die Fans erneut zum Kreischen, zeigt aber auch, wie ehrgeizig das Projekt der vier Jungs ist, in einer Sprache zu singen, die nicht ihre Muttersprache ist.
Musik von Kindern für Kinder
Angeblich konnten sie bis vor einem Jahr noch nicht mal besonders gut Englisch. Ihre Aussprache ist ziemlich hart, aus "eyes" wird "ice" - aber die Fans scheinen das eher süß zu finden. Und nur darauf kommt es ja an. Um Begeisterungsstürme auszulösen, reicht es sowieso, dass Kaulitz sich ab und zu nach unten beugt und Hände berührt. Manchmal streckt er sogar das Mikrofon ins Publikum, doch solche für größere Hallen angelegten Gesten funktionieren im "Fillmore" nicht, dafür ist der altehrwürdige Jazzclub zu intim.
Hier machen an diesem Abend einfach Kinder Musik für andere Kinder - was ja nicht unbedingt schlecht ist, wenn Band und Fans damit glücklich sind. Schade nur, dass weder die einen noch die anderen zu wissen scheinen, wo sie sich gerade aufhalten.
Die Jungs hätten nur mit den Schultern gezuckt, als er sie darauf aufmerksam gemacht habe, wo sie auftreten, sagt ein Mitglied der Crew. Die meisten Fans bemerken die Hunderten Konzertplakate in den Vorräumen des "Fillmore" nicht mal, die vier Jahrzehnte Musikgeschichte repräsentieren.
Irgendwo dort wird bald auch eines von Tokio Hotel hängen, so will es die Tradition.
Nach knapp anderthalb Stunden ist das Konzert zu Ende. Ältere, die noch andere Zeiten kannten, wundern sich. "So früh kann doch kein Konzert zu Ende sein", knurrt der Taxifahrer. "Das war früher anders."
Vermutlich weiß er nicht, dass das Gesamtwerk von Tokio Hotel noch nicht wirklich für einen längeren Auftritt reicht.
Habe es nicht geschafft, meinen Senf nicht dazu zu geben.....
Tokio Hotel in San Francisco – Kaulitze im Kindergarten
Von Susanne Amann
Musik ist Geschmackssache – und wenn jemand sagt, dass ihm die Musik von Tokio Hotel nicht gefällt, habe ich damit kein Problem. Die Jungs kann man mögen oder nicht. Auch das ist ok. Aber ein Konzertbericht hat meiner Meinung nach fair abgefasst zu sein. Dies beinhaltet natürlich auch das Entgegenbringen eines gewissen Respektes gegenüber der Band und deren Fans.
Was die vier Jungs aus Magdeburg in den letzten 3 Jahren alles geleistet und erreicht haben, ist bewundernswert. Und dass sie sich trotz dem Riesenerfolg gleichzeitig noch so toll weiterentwickelt haben, finde ich ebenfalls bemerkenswert. Gerade auch, wenn man das Alter der vier jungen Männer mitberücksichtigt! Ich bin dem Kindergartenalter längst entwachsen – wie weltweit einen immer grösser werdenden Anteil der Fangemeinde. Erwachsene Frauen und Männer sind unter TH-Fans durchaus keine Seltenheit. Susanne Amann soll sich doch mal folgenden Artikel und das zugehörige Interview der Nürnberger Zeitung zu Gemüte führen. Uebrigens ebenfalls in San Fancisco geschrieben und aufgenommen…..
Interessanterweise hat der Spiegel auch schon ganz anders über Tokio Hotel berichtet. Umso unverständlicher ist dieser auf billigen Klischees und Lügen aufgebaute „Bericht“ von Frau Amann…..
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Charlotte Dinoi
Hier nochmals der Link...... man kann da wunderbar Leserbriefe verfassen und versenden......
Tokio Hotel tourt durch die USA - Bill Kaulitz von San Francisco begeistert
Dienstag Abend in dem legendären Club ‘Filmore Auditorium’ IN San Francisco: Tokio Hotel tritt auf, eine kreischende Menschenmenge grölt die neuerdings englischen Texte. Wo früher echte Rocker wie B.B. King, The Who, Santana, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, The Doors und Aretha Franklin aufgetreten waren, dürfen nun auch die netten Milchbubis aus Deutschland performen. Der US-Markt liebt es, Tokio Hotel ist schon lange die erfolgreichste deutsche Band in den USA.
Nur wenige englische Worte kann Frontmann Bill Kaulitz wirklich gut. Doch den Fans reicht die kurze Einleitung, um abschießend voll mitzugehen: „Hi everybody, how are you tonight? San Francisco is beautiful!" schrie Bill in das Mikrofon und brach damit sofort das Eis. Schon im Mau hatte das Album ‚Scream‘ den fünften Platz der US-Charts erklommen, das angesehene Musikmagazin ‚Rolling Stone‘ hob die fünf Jungen aus Magdeburg in den Himmel.
„Diese Typen sind die größte deutsche Bubblegum-Neo-Glam-Goth-Emo-Boyband aller Zeiten", erklärte ein Journalist des ‚Rolling Stone‘ ganz ohne Ironie. Auch MTV-USA hebt Tokio Hotel auf ein goldenes Schild. Ihre Single ‚Ready, Set, Go‘ ist in zwei Kategorien für die MTV Video Music Awards nominiert worden.
Trotz der schlechten Englischkenntnisse von Bill und Co. lieben die amerikanischen Fans ihre Idole. Damit ist Rammstein wohl endgültig als deutscher Exportschlager überholt, ein gutes Zeichen vor allem wenn man bedenkt, welches Image Deutschland auf dem US-Markt nun hat. Statt hartem Metall folgt nun seichter Pop-Rock, statt schreiendem Sänger schreien nun nur noch die Fans.
Nach nur einderthalb Stunden war der Spuk schließlich doch schneller vorbei als gedacht. Für mehr reicht das Gesamtwerk der Deutsch-Rocker einfach noch nicht. Außerdem muss das zumeist noch minderjährige Publikum ohnehin vor Mitternacht im elterlichen Zuhause sein, will es nicht mit der rigorosen kalifornischen Polizei aneinandergeraten. Die jungen Fans stört das nicht, nur manch ein altgediehener Rocker der ersten Stunde wundert sich: „Früher war das anders. So früh war im Filmore noch nicht Schluss", knurrte so manch ein Gast.
Doch früher waren die Männer auf der Bühne auch seltener geschminkt und hatten ihre Fingernägel nicht lackiert. Dafür gab es massenhaft Drogen. Ob die alten Zeiten von The Who bis Aretha Franklin damit wirklich besser waren, bleibt bis zuletzt mehr als fraglich. (cai)
Music review: Tokio Hotel makes fans uber wild August 20, 2008
Source : San Francisco Chronicle
Aidin Vaziri, Chronicle Pop Music Critic Wednesday, August 20, 2008
They lined up for hours, some even days. Mostly girls. Mostly under the age of consent. Mostly trailed by parents who probably deserve some sort of Olympic medal in dealing with hyperventilating prepubescents. Germany’s Tokio Hotel seems to inspire this kind of frenzy everywhere it appears. The Fillmore on Tuesday was no exception. It was a miracle the whole club didn’t tip over for the number of squirming bodies trying to cram as close to the stage as humanly possible. The best way to describe the glam-metal-emo-pop-tween group is like the Jonas Brothers for girls who prefer chipped black nail polish and fishnet stockings to unicorn puffy stickers and purity rings. Because the Magedburg-bred quartet has already dominated Europe in every way possible - selling more than 6 million CDs and DVDs since forming in 2001, playing for 500,000 people beneath the Eiffel Tower, filling their parents’ homes with various statuettes - Tokio Hotel has had no recourse but to turn its attention to America.
When they finally walked onstage, you half expected kohl-eyed front man Bill Kaulitz, 18, identical twin brother and guitarist Tom, bassist Georg Listing, 21, and drummer Gustav Schäfer, 19, to be holding Guitar Hero controllers rather than real instruments. The group’s songs have a whiff of late-period Smashing Pumpkins, all chugging metal riffs and overheated wailing on metal throwbacks like “Monsoon” and “Love Is Dead.” But the lyrics (roughly translated) and carefully studied rock-star poses seem custom-made for people whose primary source of music is “Donkey Kong 18″ or whatever.
Still, it’s hard to resist an androgynous singer with extra large hair and extra small jeans. Bill Kaulitz doesn’t have much range, but was extremely down to earth and had a way of making teen angst sound downright life-affirming, especially when in his broken English on “Ready, Set, Go!” he sang, “Together we can make it while the world is crashing down.”
That song just earned Tokio Hotel a nomination at the MTV Video Music Awards, which is pitting the group against heavyweights like Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears and, yes, the Jonas Brothers. The possibility of having to let its secret go mainstream only made the fan base all the more rabid. The girls filling out the front of the venue screamed when Bill Kaulitz splashed them with water from his bottle. They screamed when he held up a megaphone before singing the title track from the group’s U.S. debut, “Scream.” They even screamed for the black curtain that silently hung onstage before the band arrived at the venue. Accordingly, there was no opening act, because as the group’s manager noted before the set, “They would be killed.”
E-mail Aidin Vaziri at avaziri@sfchronicle.com.
This article appeared on page E - 1 of the San Francisco Chronicle
Wie's aussieht kriegen die Fans, die vorgestern keine Autgramme in Mexico City erhielten, ihre signierten Sachen zugeschickt.
Tokio Hotel will return to Mexico
translated by Stern@THA
Source: Esmas.com
Tokio Hotel will return to Mexico
Mexico City, Mexico, AUG 30, 2008 .- Tokio hotel is in Mexico to promote their recent album Scream, during their visit, they held a press conference, where they talked about their upcoming plans, including their participation in the MTV Latin America awards, about which the band commented that "We don’t know yet what I'll do, it will be a performance, we are thinking how it’ll be, we can’t tell you, it’s a great opportunity and we are really excited," added Tom and Bill.
The band said they still don’t know when they’ll return to Mexico to make full concerts in some important venue of the country, but they hope it will be soon.
"Of course we will return to Mexico, in our next tour we are going to come here, that’s for sure," added the singer.
They said they’re not of plans nor of thinking about the future, because "to some extent it’s true that there aren’t any scheduled dates to return, for now we are happy to be here, when we leave we’ll plan to return, our schedule is collapsed, we don’t even know when we’ll return home, but yes we will return and soon”, said the Twins.
Unlike other german bands such as The Scorpions, that have a cold treatment with their Latino fans, Tokio Hotel, during their visit to the Aztec land has been a warm band with their Mexican fans.
"We greet all because we are pleased to be here, we love it, we that come from a German city, of course we can't feel other than a good mood and be happy to be here", said Tom.
Bill, Tom, Georg and Gustav, members of Tokio Hotel, yesterday gave a signing session, in the north of Mexico City, where thousands of fans gathered. However, not everyone could enjoy the presence of the German band, remaining outside of the record store, this will be rewarded next week, with the delivery of the signed covers that failed.
"We feel very well, we didn’t expect so many people gathered, it was a surprise for us. But we’ll try to compensate those who couldn’t get an autograph, then, as it wasn’t our fault, we wanted to remain more time untill we finished our commitment to all the fans, but the record company asked us to leave for security concerns", said Bill.
The label to this comment added that "a lot of people who remained without their autographs left their covers and we gave them to the personal manager to be signed and they’ll do it this week, for that the people left their name and they’ll be delivered these covers already signed".
Their unique styles
They left it clear that their music is for everybody that wants to listen, since they don’t have any kind of message addressed to someone in particular, all the lyrics of their recent album Scream, are totally different.
"Actually we have no message that we want to transmit to young people, if they pay attention to the songs they are all very different, dealing with different topics. What we want is that our fans like it and have fun with what we do; we love making music and we just want to share it”, said Bill.
Another of the peculiar characteristics of the band, is their style the way of dressing and hairstyle, especially the vocalist, Bill, who was questioned about his appearance and in who had he based it, answered that "originated at a disguise party , during halloween, I was eight or nine years, and I was disguised as a vampire and I liked a lot, and then I started to use black make up, has to do with my personality and I like it”.
Finally, commented the reason why they decided to record an album in English, Scream, after two albums released in their mother language, German, it was for the simple pleasure of experiencing another language.
Tonight they performed at the Palacio de los Deportes, as part of a radio event.
War'n sie nun krank oder nicht - die mexikanische Presse berichtet nichts davon.
El Manana, 31.08.08 - übersetzt von pwrpuffgrl (THUS):
When they knew that a lot of their disappointed fans had destroyed cds and posters in protest of not getting the promised autograph, the band members of Tokio Hotel just smiled in surprise.
"It wasn't our intention to upset anybody. WE're very sorry, but we were told that everything went according to what was planned", said lead singer Bill Kaulitz in press conference yesterday.
According to the germans, they didn't know that about 800 people with bracelets didn't get an autograph on last friday night in Plaza Cuicuilco.
That's why they never got offended by the fact that their fans booed when they left, saying that they didn't know that the record store Mixup had assured the fans the band would sign 2000 autographs.
The truth is that the store gave out that amount of bracelets and that in the event there were fans that traveled from other states of the country just to see the band and get an autograph.
When the band reached 1200 autographs, their security guard decided that it was time to leave.
When they knew that Tokio Hotel had left, some teenagers and their parents started to tear the cover of the Scream cd, while others went to the store to demand their money back.
Around 600 people caused the movilization of 20 security people inside the plaza, because they were pounding over the crystal doors of the store.
"Our record label (Universal Music) said that there were only 50 people left, not that many!! (800) We are very sorry about this incident, we thank our fans for all the love they've given us," said Bill's twin brother, Tom, in their encounter with the mexican press.
Tokio Hotel enjoys the warmth provided by Mexican audience Reply with quote Translation by Stern@THA source: Senderodelpeje.com
Tokio Hotel enjoys the warmth provided by the Mexican audience.
Mexico, 30 Aug (AFP) .- Having enjoyed the warmth of the public during their first visit to Mexico, the German band Tokio Hotel already prepares their return for October, as part of their participation in the MTV Latin awards. In a press conference, the band formed by Bill, Tom, Gustav and Georg, talked about the great welcoming response from the public during an autograph signing made in a square located in the south of the city, where they regretted that around 800 youngs couldn’t get their autograph. Bill, the band’s vocalist, said they had understood that only had been left 50 youngs, nevertheless, they will try to amend this by signing some covers of those who left them and then send them in return. On the other hand, the Germans, who arrived to the meeting with the media greeting in Spanish, said that this visit is the beginning of the close relationship they’ll have with Mexico, because they never imagined that their fans would react so warmly in seeing them. "It was very exciting and we had no fear, because the more they screamed, that to us as a band, fills us with energy," said the vocalist, who was visibly happy, and repeated that their enthusiasm was due to the welcome they received. About the possibility of given concerts in this city, the Germans pointed out that for now they don’t have an exact date, however, all they have concrete yet is their participation in the MTV Latin awards, to be held next October. They said they’ll give a short performance about which they didn’t give any details, because they are still in the planning phase, as they want it to be something very special for their public. "I never imagined the popularity we have in this country, where we can assure that we’ll return very soon". When asked if they were ambassadors or representatives from their country’s youth on musical matters , they said they couldn’t accept this kind of attribute, since they don’t know if other German bands are following their music like them, or some movement with this kind of influences. They stressed that after their visit to Mexico they’ll continue with the extensive tour to promote their album "Scream", which has been placed rapidly in our country in the first places of popularity. Another of the questions for the youth band, was why they sing in English and German, to which they answered their lyrics are thought in their native language, however, they wished that these didn’t stay only at a local level, so they seeked to also write them in english, in order to make their musical proposal known.