A half bun with bob? Sure, no problem - even if the hair is only chin-length. For short bob haircuts, a messy half bun is just the thing. Twist the bun loosely upwards and fix it with a thin hair elastic. With the deliberately untidy styling, a few short hairs are welcome to say goodbye to the bun. That makes the "undone look" perfect.
Deep half bun Less noticeable than the Messy variant, but all the more elegant: For the deep-seated variant of the half-open hairstyle, only the side hair sections are taken back and tied deeply into a bun. Looks classy and looks just as good in everyday life as it does with glamorous evening outfits. If it is going to be particularly festive, the sleek version is particularly suitable or you only turn light beach waves into the tips. www.lacewigsbuy.co.uk
SaveTreasures & Travels37K + Jule Lacerateideen Playful half bun A precisely bound bun with light waves, a few stylish hairpins on the side: This is what the romantic version of the half bun looks like. To do this, take the top coat back strictly and shape it into a classic bun. Work light beach waves or curls into the open hair with a curling iron. If you like it a little more glamorous, emphasize the half-open hairstyle with several bobbi pins in gold or silver with gemstones that are stuck in the buy full lace wigs hair over an ear.